I've been on 100mcg T4 and 31.25mcg T3 for almost a year now and feel myself again.
However, after last blood test, my endo concluded that I'm overmedicated and recommended to reduce my T4 dose to 75mcg.
The results were TSH < 0.01, fT4 15, fT3 8.9 - I know there are no ranges and these results are useless but this is as I've got it in the letter from my endo. I've put the enquiry to get complete results but this can take ages.
Anyway, the main argument is that my TSH is suppressed and this is dangerous for my health so my GP immediately reduced the T4 dose on my repeat prescription.
I'm still taking 100mcg T4 as have stock for another month. GP prescribed a new blood test but this surely shows my TSH suppressed. I tried to explain that I'm taking T4 and T3 so my TSH will be suppressed because it's how it works.
I just was wondering if anybody was in a similar situation when GP decided to reduce the medication dose? I would appreciate any advice on how to deal with it. Thank you