Just had my results 12 weeks after starting levo 25mcg 6 weeks 50mcg 6 weeks and just started 75mcg
No ranges as yet will post when I have print out . Fasted early morning bloods
TSH 4.78
Folate 19.6
Ferritin 15
Serum b12 390
I have a chronic ferritin deficiency, had annual iron infusions but not sure they'll give me any more (needs to below 10 for them to consider)
I was about to order ingennus super vit b complex but it has Vit c in it and I believe it's not supposed to be taken with Vit c....any alternatives and if I take my levo @4am and ppi at 8 what time do I take vit b supplement?
T.i.a x will do a vit d test privately at some point