Hi all,
I am a 32 year old female Graves’ disease sufferer and looking for a bit of advice on supplements and diet.
I was diagnosed in July last year and put on Carbimazole and Propranolol for a very speedy heart rate. My levels steadily dropped and I went from 30mg down to 20 to 15 to 5mg between July and November. But since then my levels have yo-yo’ed and I am currently on 20mg of Carbimazole and taking 120mg of propranolol (3 times a day). I think with retrospect going from 15mg to 5mg was too much of a jump and that's when levels went up again. I haven't been able to get control since - going from 20 to 15 to 30 to 20...!
Results end of Jan:
T3 13.4 (range 3.1-6.8 pmol/L)
T4 36.2 (range 10-23 pmol/L)
Vit B12 128 pmol (range unknown) is this low??
Vit D 90 ( range 50-175 nmol/L)
Folate 20 (range 3.1-20.5 ug/l)
Ferritin 81 (range 22-275 ug/L)
(My Trab level was last measured at 15.45 at the end of Sept)
I have mild signs of TED and have drops to take day and night to help.
I am experiencing hair thinning, fast HR, moderate goitre, dry and spotty skin, very frequent bowel movements, slight weight loss, low mood/emotional, sore muscles -current mystery ongoing hamstring strain (is this kind of thing normal??)
I am taking the following daily supplements. Would really appreciate thoughts and advice on these-
Selenium 200ug (have heard conflicting info though as it supports thyroid production which I want to reduce?)
Multivitamin and mineral support (cytoplan)
Magnesium (100mg) cytoplan
Adrenal support (multi phytonutrient complex with vit B5) cytoplan
Vit D drops 75ug
I have no food intolerances but have pretty much cut out gluten, cow dairy, refined sugars, fish, caffeine and alcohol.
I would very much like to reintroduce all of this to my diet in the future (in moderation) if I can..
I am keen to start a family as soon as possible but was advised I need to have the thyroid more under control and really be on a lower dosage of Carbimazole (ie 10mg or less) before switching to PTU.
Any thoughts, advice, pointers would be so appreciated.
Many thanks