I posted on here a few weeks ago re. my husband's illness. He has been very ill for the past year, started with migraines, then six months ago, tiredness, which became extreme fatigue when lockdown started. He has blurred vision, very bad muscle pain in back, tingling arms and legs, freezing cold hands and feet that turn blue, depression and dizziness. He had Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2004. To say his GP/Surgery have been hopeless, would be an understatement. He can't work at the moment (luckily still furloughed). He had a very high serum B12 result, which I found on his NHS blood results, after asking for them (3 months after taken) following advice on here. His GP has done nothing, except refer him for a liver scan, which he can't have as they are not doing them at the moment! He has a telephone consultation with CFS clinic on Thursday 16th July.
So, I booked a private ultrasound for his liver, kidneys and pancreas, which he had on Saturday, and, thankfully, was okay. Following are his Medicheck results for Thyroid panel:
CRP HS: 0.6 mg/l (range <5)
Ferritin: 201 ug/l (range 30-400)
Folate: 8.58 ug/l (range >3.89)
B12 Active: >150 pmol/l (range >37.5)
Vitamin D: 62.4 nmol/l (range 50-175)
TSH: 1.51 miu/l (range 0.27-4.2)
Free T3: 4.79 pmol/l (range 3.1-6.8)
Free Thyroxine: 16.4 pmol/l (range: 12-22)
Thyroglobulin Antibodies: 12.7 kiu/l (range <115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies: <9 kiu/l (range <34)
I'd appreciate any help as I don't really understand them and I so desperately want to help him as his quality of life at the moment is awful. I have been reading about the late effects of ABVD chemotherapy for Hodgkins Lymphoma and one of them is thyroid problems. These can happen a few months or years/decades later. It seems this could be the problem. It's interesting as he had mild cold hands and feet on and off a few months after chemo finished and for next 15 years until much worse last year; also, blurred vision started after chemo, but maybe once a year. Now it's most days.