Hello all. I have been diagnosed with nail psoriasis and wonder if this is due to hypothyroidism? Have googled but haven't found anything to suggest a link to thyroid disease. I do not have psoriasis of my skin as such.
Nail psoriasis: Hello all. I have been diagnosed... - Thyroid UK
Nail psoriasis

Is it nail psoriasis or is it Onycholysis? They can look similar to the untrained eye.
Thank you for your reply.
My index fingers on both hands are the only one which looks like onycholysis and are raised from nail bed. I believe this can happen with hyperthyroid conditions but I am hypo. When I showed my nails to my endo he thought it was unrelated to thyroid and was due to "something else"
The nails are discoloured, with some pitting and some small perpendicular black lines underneath the nails, all of which seem to be symptoms of nail psoriasis, according to internet. When I initially went to my GP she thought it was a fungal infection (in spite of the fact that I was quite sure it wasn't) so she had nail clippings examined, no fungus found and so she referred me to a dermatologist who suggested psoriasis. He didn't really say much re treatment or causes , just told me to apply an oily substance (Certraben I think it is called ?)
I would attach some photos but am not sure how to do this?
Onycholysis is said to be a hyper symptom. But, I get it whether I'm under or over-medicated.
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Nail psoriasis and Hashimoto's may be linked
Currently Ncbi website is down.....
But if you Google you can see links
Ordinary Psoriasis strongly linked to Hashimoto's