hello im hypothyroid on 75mg levo i have loads of things wrong but this is a new one, my nail is lifting off its bed and the white ig growing down , anyone have any ideas whats the cause ?
nail problem: hello im hypothyroid on 75mg levo i... - Thyroid UK
nail problem

May I suggest you have a look here:
That has lots of pictures and descriptions - maybe you will see something very similar to your nails?
Probably "Plummers nail" - very common
Could be under medication? Both my big toe nails separated from nailbeds, plus had exhaustion/brainfog etc before I was "rescued" from seeming undermedication caused by non-conversion. Awash in T4 but low T3.
Post your results plus ranges so people can help you?
thanks i will get them from my doctor , i also have exhaustion etc. im due to see her as meds need replacing.
I had the nail lifting - of course GP said it was a fungus infection, not anything to do with thyroid - test results - no fungus. I think its to to not enough levo. Mine has gone away now with an increase in Levo. Sort of glad to know it's not just me.
thanks , i had part of my thyroid taken out 2 years ago the consultant , said i may feel slightly tired , how i wish he had told me all the things that would go wrong with my health,
That's the problem, I believe. They refrain from telling you in case you begin to imagine symptoms, instead of telling you the truth.
This is a link and their are useful topics at the top of the page too. Cursor to question dated January 2, 2002
January 2, 2002