Elderly Mum with abnormal test results very tired! - Thyroid UK

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Elderly Mum with abnormal test results very tired!

Dramlouie profile image
69 Replies

My elderly hypothyroid Mum with dementia on levothyroxine and T3 is very sleepy, her T3 as been increased from 12.5mcg mor and 12.5 mcg 2pm to 25mcg mor and 12.5mcg 2pm a few weeks ago. I called the doctor on Thursday as she had been slurring her speech and been very tired. The doctor asked someone with dementia if she had a cold or a cough! As if my Mum would remember! The carer who was there at the time denied that she had slurred speech but she only pops in ocassionally! Another carer has since confirmed that she has slurred speech. The doctor (who gave Mum end of life in the Spring because she didn't check her high calcium level) said there was nothing wrong but her blood test results from 29 November 2019 show abnormal results.....

serum calcium 2.42 (2.05-2.4) abnormal

serum adjusted calcium 2.58 (2.05-2.4) abnormal

serum inorganic phosphate 0.86 (0.81-1.45) normal

serum alkaline phosphatase 156 (35-104) abnormal

serum total protein 61 (66-87) abnormal

serum albumin 32 (35-52) abnormal

serum globulin 30 (18-36) normal

serum urea level 6.5 (2.8-8.1) normal

free T4 21.3 (12-22)

TSH 0.01 low as on T3

free T3 2.6 (3.1-6.8)

Mum does have hyperparathyroidism. Any ideas would be appreciated, sadly I don't trust the doctor. I am sure there is something else going on. Mum is also taking Rivaroxaban blood thinner and no other drugs. Doctor has previously commented that we all have something wrong with us! She is after all 95! Mum came out of hospital in October and was walking well, chatty, could hold a conversation, joking and now she is still with emergency carers who only give the very basic of care and Mum is not eating well or having any exercise, max 8 steps a day. Breaking my heart.

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Dramlouie profile image
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69 Replies
DippyDame profile image

So sorry for you both, that is shocking.

You Mum's FT3 is far too low...the brain needs a lot of T3.

That doctor sounds like a prize prat, your poor Mum needs more T3....I doubt age has much to do with it.

Push for an increase, point out abysmally low FT3 and that it is affecting her cognitive function

Another ignorant medic...that's why so many of us arrive on this forum.

Very best...


greygoose profile image

What was she taking when these labs were done? 12.5 morning and 12.6 afternoon? Is she taking any levo with it? Those results really make you wonder if she's taking any at all. Do her carers watch her take it? Any chance they just aren't giving it to her? Her FT3 is well under-range.

Dramlouie profile image
Dramlouie in reply to greygoose

Yes 12.5mcg breakfast and 12.5mcg lunch call. Dose since raised to 25mcg and 12.5mcg. Carers usually give with food, I have fought a losing battle to give before food, with emergency carers Mum gets different carers at each call. I don't live nearby. The Dr changed timing to evening call despite letter from endo stating 9am and 2pm dosing, saying the lunch call was wrong. Oh my, more phone calls and emails and now the weekend so Mum now is having no lunch T3 just in evening. I am visiting shortly so I shall give Mum some T3. It is an uphill battle, every day something with either carers or doctor. Doing personal care then dishing up food and handling food tray with same gloves on. There is a safeguarding enquiry going on as I have so many complaints as I have cameras on Mum at all times and it is recorded what they do. It is a totally unhygeinic shambles of care. Nobody knows what they are doing, it is a disgrace. If Mum didn't have me she wouldn't be here.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dramlouie

Oh dear, that is terrible. But, I can understand that the carers don't understand the importance of how you give thyroid hormone. When I was in hospital once, here in France, levo was handed out with breakfast, and breakfast was a huge bowl of milky coffee. When I suggested that levo should be given before breakfast, the nurse started screaming that she only had one pair of hands and I'd get my levo when she decided to give it to me! So, if they can't even get it right in hospital, it's not surprising that carers, who aren't medically trained, don't get it.

But, it's terrible for your poor mum, and must be such a worry for you.

Dramlouie profile image
Dramlouie in reply to greygoose

Nobody seems to care anymore, 'She's old what do you expect!' I have just been to visit and gave an extra 12.5mcg as she was so sleepy she wasn't eating. A different carer was there and he actually seemed interested in what I was saying, he was from Hungary. I can see that Mum is watching TV and having her cup of tea I left her, wow! Mum had it an hour ago and she isn't asleep, that is amazing. It is scary the treatment dosed out in hospital, my dread of not being given my NDT 4xs a day.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dramlouie

Yes, you're right, it is scary. Once time I was in hospital and they tested my TSH and it was 45. But, they didn't do anything about it.

Dramlouie profile image
Dramlouie in reply to greygoose

You would never recover, just get worse, like Mum did when she went in, they stopped her T3 totally and despite me taking in printed out NICE guidelines and lots of information they just ignored my pleas. she just Laid there, not moving at all, she didn't recognise me, left to rot in the dementia ward along with all the other probably hypothyroid patients, it was scary.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dramlouie

That is terrible! What right did they have to stop her T3? Poor lady. There is no compassion in medicine any more.

DippyDame profile image
DippyDame in reply to Dramlouie

Glad your Mum responded to the T3. I'm quite convinced a lot of elderly people would have a better quality of life if the "closed minds" in the medical profession jumped off their high horses and admitted they were wrong.

Pigs might fly!

It's a scandal of monumental proportions yet people think we are just lazy, neurotic, anxious...or whatever label they choose to pin on us.

Take good care

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to greygoose

Hey greygoose its the same in the uk. I had the misfortune of several ops over four years.....I used to keep my thyroid meds so I could take them way before breakfast....or else they got dolled out with breakfast. Didnt matte how many tines I told them....their arguement is that its the only way they can manage.

So am not surprised the carers dont get it....lol.

Dramlouie profile image
Dramlouie in reply to Dramlouie

Doctor visited yesterday, I told her how Mum was deteriorating, the awful care but she said she thought she looked ok despite her displaying obvious symptoms of delirium, fiddling with her napkin and looking blank. This morning the carer couldn't wake Mum so he did personal care and left her. The lunch carer dialled 999 when she saw Mum. No-one contacted the family and I just checked the cameras to see if she was eating lunch to see the paramedics there. They took Mum in with suspected sepsis. I have since spoken with a doctor and its not a UTI or sepsis, she is dehydrated, her calcium is showing above normal (I have already spoken to the doctor about this but she said she wasn't worried). I found out yesterday that the carers had been offering Mum her T3 which she was refusing so they haven't been giving any to Mum, hadn't bothered to alert the family! Her T3 was already below normal 29 November. I have told the doctors this and they have her T3 so I am hoping that they will give it to Mum this time. It just proves what happens when T3 goes low. She has delirium. They also took all her bedding including duvet and her nice expensive duvet cover! What on earth is happening. I found Mum yesterday with fish and chips, no salt, no tom ketchup, just overcooked dry food and a fork, it hadn't been cut up and Mum was trying to break pieces off. Hopeless. I am hopeful as the paramedic was also hypothyroid and takes T3 so she took Mum's box of Tiromel in and was going to talk to the doctors. Happy Christmas everyone, the saga continues.....x

LuluCops profile image

When I go into hospital now, I take my own meds in and refuse to give them to them. I tell them that they are due at differing times to their ward rounds and I have to keep my HC on me at all times because o don’t know when I’m going to need it, especially when using sick day rules! They don’t argue with me then 😊😂

MissGrace profile image

I’m so sorry your mum is unwell again. It sounds like an increase in T3 is needed at the very least. Sending you and your mum big hugs and lots of love. xxx 🤸🏿‍♀️🥛

Dramlouie profile image

So looking at the cameras the carers gave mum 12.25mcg tonight at 8.30. Left the head of bed rsised and feet up so mum squashed. Shes fiddling with sheets and cant sleep. Cant the stupid dr realise what she has done altering the endos instructions. I despair! Poor Mum shell be so tired tomorrow

JCMK profile image
JCMK in reply to Dramlouie

Sorry to hear about your mum and I hope things start to improve soon. Could you contact the endo and tell him/her what’s happening and request s/he writes to the GP stating the timings MUST be adhered to?

Dramlouie profile image
Dramlouie in reply to JCMK

Thanks for your suggestion. I have emailed the endo but no reply yet, he is normally good but very busy. It is so frustrating as this doctors decision without checking Mum's records makes problems for everyone. Last night Mum was put to bed without being offered any drink, was given her T3 and spent all night awake, the carers even left the head of the bed raised so she turned onto her side but her head was pushed down all night. It is diabolical care, she now has a cold as you can see her carer standing astride her and leaning right over her giving her medication. The carer is wiping her nose on her arm, coughing and sniffing, clearly she has given her cold to Mum as the family never visits with a hint of a cold coming. Mum could hardly walk this morning. We have complained to the social workers and there is a safeguarding enquiry going on but the only thing that is done is an email to the care agency telling them to sort it out. Beyond belief, I feel sorry for all the other people suffering who are the silent ones.

JCMK profile image
JCMK in reply to Dramlouie

I would contact the Social Worker and ask for a meeting with him/her and the care agency manager. Note down all the issues and request they are dealt with, set a review date so that progress can be reviewed. You can also put in a letter of complaint to the care agency. I have been told they have to keep written complaints on file so that CQC can see them and how they are dealt with. If your complaint is not dealt with effectively you could then raise concerns with CQC. If things don’t improve you could ask for a change of agency or ask the Social Worker if a direct payment or other arrangement is possible. This. could enable you to get an agency that didn’t win the local authority tender, there might be a cost to your mum though if the agency charges higher rates than the other agency. I know you don’t live locally so a meeting may not be very convenient but often it is more effective face to face? It’s all very upsetting for you and your mum sending you both a hug 🤗

grumpyold profile image

I am so very sorry to hear about your poor Mum's mistreatment at the hands of those who are meant to care for her. Thankgoodness she has you to look out for her and to try to get the best treatment.

When my aunt (I was her next of kin) was in hospital (though not related to thyroid) if I had not been there to feed her, she would have just gone without food cos nobody bothered to order her meal, nor ensure that she could actually reach it and/eat it.

Heartbreaking to think of all the patients who don't have relatives to fight their corner.

Dramlouie profile image

So the carer gave Mum her T3 in the evening as she was going to bed. Mum spent all night awake fiddling with her bedding. The duvet fell off and Mum was lying there, the carer left the head of the bed up and legs raised so Mum couldn't stretch out and had her neck bent all night. Mum can hardly walk today and is just sleeping

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Dramlouie

Poor woman ... she must be suffering because of inadequate care.

janey1234 profile image

This is shocking to read. I hope the amazing people here can guide you to help your poor mum x

Veesley profile image

I am not a Doctor, But B12 deficiency causes many health problems and one of them is fatigue, memory loss, confusion, muscles weakness and Magnesium is needed for muscles. I am 75 years old and My Dr. totally ignored the fact I was deficient because I was still in the range of being normal. Check and see if B12 can be taken by your mom because she is on blood thinner. T3 is too low.

msb44 profile image

Sorry to hear of your mom's problems.

Has she ever had surgery for her hyperparathyroidism? Or is she no longer a good candidate for surgery?

Dramlouie profile image
Dramlouie in reply to msb44

She is 95.5, endo said she was too old, got small vein vessel disease presenting as dementia. She did have a pacemaker fitted a few years ago which set her back in her cognition, I don't know why they did it but because two doctors signed paperwork I had no choice in the matter.

msb44 profile image
msb44 in reply to Dramlouie

I am not a physician, but it does seem that she has the typical signs of parathyroid disease. And because of her age she may not be a candidate for surgical cure. Plus she has other illnesses to deal with as well.

Keeping her hydrated, and her nutrients up might help.

I wish you both a good holiday.

silverfox7 profile image

I feel for both of you but I think you situation is sadly more common than we think.

I read an article some time ago now saying dementia patients were tested and were found to all being low on T3 but I’ve never seen a follow up as to whether they were given any-I suspect not. It would be interesting to know though if dementia causes the low T3 or low T3 leads to dementia.

Catseyes235 profile image
Catseyes235 in reply to silverfox7

Would love to see that report. Sounds quite likely. My aunt had had thyroid probes earlier in life and so I mentioned my concerns to her doc 30 + years later when she was in her 80s when I recognised the hypo signs and she was put on thyroxine which brought her back on form. There are so many age related health problems it must be difficult to sort out.

waveylines profile image

Goes even wider Londinium......am under a consultant cardiologist was referred back by GP. He was initially concerned and altered my meds, saw me 6 months later (not the three he had said) & I was no better as the meds hadnt worked so he said you were referred here because the question was can you come of the heart meds -you cant -they didnt ask me to treat you so am discharging you!!! Words fail me..... supposed to be a leading cardiology team......

waveylines profile image

Unfortunately a lot is put down to age rather than proactive medicine to ensure optimum health......am sure a lot is missed. B12 is commonly low in the elderly because as we age our stomach acid drops so B12 cant be absorb....therefore a supplement will not solve the problem as it cant be abosrbed.....injections or possibly sublingual/sprays if deficiency is mild.

Its so sad.....

As for your poor mums treatment -its shocking!! I feel for you. It must be awful witnessing this abject care. Can you move her closer to where you are?

Dramlouie profile image

Today I have had a call from the carers saying they can't get her up out of bed. They are still giving Mum's T3 at the bedtime call. I couldn't get back to the doctor before the weekend, she just left a message on my answerphone instead of trying 3xs to speak to me and it was too late. The carers were told by the hospital to give Mum Fortisip as Mum isn't eating well but when I asked the surgery it can only be given by a dietician. Surely if the carers have been informed then it should be continued. I think that they are frightened to give higher doses of T3 because of the heart, they think it will strain it but I seem to remember that Dr Lowe said that wasn't the case. They are just not interested in research. My lodger is a doctor and has no interest in the latest health news or anything I have to say re thyroid. So I will be meeting the doctor again. I told the surgery Mum wasn't well but the doctor just said she seemed fine to her. Ridiculous, we knew something was wrong instead she basis her diagnosis on a carer who has only seen her once before and Mum's say so which having dementia she doesn't remember short term. When the doctor arrived to do Mum's flu shot, she was in bed feeling unwell, the nurse asked Mum if she had any allergies!! The doctor just gave the flu jab after seeing that the carers had left her in bed! I pull my hair out I really do, heaven help us when we get old. Feeling very deflated....:(

Dramlouie profile image

An update on Mum, she is not opening her eyes and has not eaten or drunk anything since admitted on 24th Dec. She is on a drip and they have not given her any meds including her levothyroxine and T3 either. It is only a skeleton staff and Mum is breathing fast. I am going in first thing to give Mum her T3, I shall put it under her tongue. I can't get it through to them how important it is to give her thyroid meds. The nurses don't understand and the doctor isn't there all day so it has to wait to the next day. I am fearing the worst for this monumental mistake, nobody wants to listen. Even my brother, I am also hypo so I know. It is draconian.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Dramlouie

This is just so awful for you to be dealing with. The ignorance around a need for T3 is one thing, but why are they not even giving her levo. How can they not know that thyroid hormones are necessary for life! Yes, it is truly draconian. 😢

Dramlouie profile image

I visited and i was told that t3 wont dissolve under tongue. I read up about myxedema coma and all symptoms mum has. I gave her some ndt as I know that dissolves. I had to do something and go with my gut. Ill go in tomorrow and do the same if nothings being done.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Dramlouie

Dramlouie, I've been wondering what the situation is now, are you still administering some NDT? Did you say anything to the staff about the possibility of myxedema coma?

Dramlouie profile image

Very sadly Mum now has sepsis and pneumonia and bern given just hours to live. I am just so devastated that this has been over Christmas and a weekend when I havent seen one doctor. They are still giving antibiotics but withdrawn fluids and nutrition. Organs are now low functioning as no thyroid for 2 weeks now. Shes in the midfle of a mad dementia ward with alzheimer patients having to be fended off by my fsmily while we were trying to say our goodbyes. One was trying to pull the sheets off Mum. It is no plsce for someone who is dying and their family, no privacy. Im stressed and upset beyond belief. It was horrifying and torturous.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Dramlouie

That is devastating. I am sure we all want to give you virtual hugs.

london81 profile image
london81 in reply to Dramlouie

this is horrendous i’m so sorry. please ensure you take this to the patient liaison at hospital and your mums local MP, but i know that’s little comfort. i have hashi and lots of family do , we need t3. my mum was in a&e this weekend and i really feel your pain :( sorry again this is awful

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Dramlouie


I have been reading your posts with mounting dismay and it is so hard to take in the reality of what has been going on (and appears to be not uncommon). I am so desperately sorry that your Mum has been subjected to such lack of care and for what you, your Mum and your family have been, and are, going through. A little bit of privacy, peace and quiet would not be too much to offer you in these last hours so that you can all say your goodbyes and so that your Mum has at least some dignity in her last hours.

My thoughts are with you, as I'm sure the thoughts of all forum members are, at this very sad time.

I hope that you eventually will find the strength to take this further, that your complaint will reach the people who can make a difference. When the time is right, you might want to check out Julie Bailey who has founded "curethenhs" and it tells of how she complained about the poor care her mother received which resulted in her death. It was recently shown as a docudrama on Channel 4, she did eventually find the right people to complain to. Obviously, now is not the right time, but maybe in time it's something to consider. The more these problems are brought to light then maybe, just maybe, things may start to get better.


Sending you strength and love to get you through today.

Dramlouie profile image

Well everyone, an update on how Mum is, yes she is still with us. I made a right nuisance of myself, doctors, nurses, pharmacist. If they are wetting Mum's mouth why can't they dissolve thyroid into the water. I was told it won't go through the membranes, I spoke to the pharmacist, we will have to see, I will let you know. Then she was off for days and never got back to me. Finally, someone listened as probably sick of me, and they tried it early one morning. Mum was only on oxygen, no obs or iv. Following orders of the palliative care team who happened to now be on holiday! Well, how strange by lunch time Mum had some tomato soup! She was able to have her meds, was put back on the iv and today had blood test done, at long last. Yesterday she had macaroni cheese and was mumbling and looking around. Today she kissed me, and had icecream and jelly for breakfast, good nutrition! soup for lunch. Nobody can believe it, they are all stunned and coming up to me saying how amazing it is that she got through it. Apparently now the kidneys are scarred because they withdraw hydration, well thanks doctors! So low organ stats which they say is organ failure is lack of thyroid, finally someone has listened. The weekend now, again no doctors but I am just hoping that this hasn't had a detrimental effect on her dementia. I am so angry at what she has gone through at the hands of doctors, carers, they do want people to die, they don't listen to family who know the patient best, we are ignored and lied to. When I found she had a temperature and was having trouble breathing and said she needed a doctor there and then I was ignored, it was 12 hours before a doctor saw her and then started on anti-biotics, ignored when I said she had no thyroid for over a week and she needed it, just like last time they withdrew it, they don't learn! If Mum now needs to go into a care home because of their actions I am so incensed that I feel they can pay for it, Mum was comfortable and happy at home. The Alzheimers patient causes havoc in the ward, in the evening and night she is shouting and screaming at the other patients, swearing and blinding and throwing stuff across the ward, all the staff do is follow her around and clear up after her. I took it no longer today as she was harrassing Mum while the staff were just watching and I said some words to her without being cruel. I had to leave as it is so stressful. Poor Mum can't sleep and is anxious and scared. The patients with dementia are calm and kind, they should be separated and not put into the same 'box'. It is unkind to them. Hopefully I shall have some more positive updates. Until then I thank everyone for their support, it has been a horrendous time. Don't always take doctors words as the truth, don't give up!

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Dramlouie

Oh my goodness! I have just seen this update and I am lost for words. I am so very pleased to hear that your Mum has pulled through this distressing time, thanks to you and your determination. It has been so frustrating for you and you were preparing for the worst, but somehow you managed to perform a miracle. If only everyone had an advocate such as you :)

Your experience cannot go untold, so in time maybe see whether your experience and Julie Bailey's, and that of others, can combine to help sort out this mess of care the NHS sometimes dishes out. Unless something is done the future looks very frightening for those of us in our later years.

Wishing your Mum continued improvement, a more peaceful environment and maybe another miracle in that she may return home eventually. And for you, a virtual medal for everything you have done for your Mum, she is very lucky to have such a wonderful daughter who has fought so hard for her. When Mum is safe and comfortable I hope you have time to rest and recharge your batteries.

Dramlouie profile image
Dramlouie in reply to SeasideSusie

Thank you, the support on this website is so important, I couldn't have done it without it. It gave me confidence to confront the doctors, pharmacist and nurses and continue harassing them. People coming back on duty after some days off cannot believe their eyes. I am expecting that she might not be able to go home again which was her wish to stay in her own home where she sat by her patio windows watching her dear pigeons, a good tv in front of her where she loved her wildlife programmes. Why should she now pay for a care home, when it was the carers not giving her duty of care, being rude to her and not giving her blood thinner or thyroid meds for over a week. We have been complaining for 8 weeks about her care and although a safeguarding enquiry is still ongoing nothing was done about it until it is too late. I feel like suing them I am so angry! It could be any of us next!

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Dramlouie

Thyroid medication is essential for life, without it every bit of the brain and body cannot function properly. Surely withdrawing it must be a criminal offence mustn't it. As for the comment that it wouldn't go through the membranes, there is such a thing as T3 injection which I understand, is used in hospitals for many other reasons too.

Wetsuiter profile image
Wetsuiter in reply to RedApple

i was wondering about injections

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Wetsuiter


Withdrawing thyroid medication would be deliberately inducing myxoedema coma. I can't get my head around the idea that doing so is justifiable in this, or possibly any, circumstance.

Dramlouie profile image
Dramlouie in reply to RedApple

I am so angry, there it is, why on earth didn't they do this, Mum had an IV line, I told the paramedics she hadn't been given thyroid meds for over a week, I feel I have been totally ignored, I was a QARANC and combat medic in the TA and have just been brushed aside with my arguments, oh I am fuming, I shall be making a complaint, this should not have happened, they looked at me as if I was daft. This will go further now, I am incensed about this. When Mum went in a few times before they should have continued her T3 instead of stopping it, she only got better when she went into Rehab and they reintroduced it. Wow, this is it, I am on the warpath and we need to do something, this is so obvious what Mum had. Perhaps someone can get this rolling, any ideas?

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Dramlouie

Most people listen to those who have a certificate, rather than people who have the same condition as the patient.

Reading your post, it sounds as if we are in a 'third world country' with no sympathy for the elderly who need stability in their life and it must be awful for someone who has dementia and a family who worry about them. As for not giving thyroid hormones it is awful - an extra worry for the family, and very, very neglectful.

I don't know who you could make your complaint to.

Dramlouie profile image
Dramlouie in reply to RedApple

It seems ridiculous that they cannot give an unconscious patient T3, I was just hitting a brick wall, they were really reluctant to even discuss this. Surely the patient is going through stress when so unwell so giving T3 is most important during this time. I remember Dr P saying that if T3 was given to the elderly there would be a small percentage of elderly who are now in care homes. I most certainly believe it.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Dramlouie

"they were really reluctant to even discuss this"

Quite probably because they absolutely do not understand what thyroid hormone is for, and what happens if it is withdrawn. The lack of knowledge in the medical community about thyroid hormone is absolutely shocking. What on earth is the point of giving anti-biotics but not thyroid hormone.

Yes, I'm quite sure Dr P was right in what he said. I recall when I was a teenager, visiting a care home and feeling distraught because the residents were all sitting around slumped in armchairs. Little did I know then, that one day I would find out by personal experience of why this was... and still is, happening.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Dramlouie

Who said it wont 'go through the membranes'? The advice is that we should always take levo with one full glass of water!!!!! So if levo is diluted - surely there's not much difference especially when someone is so very ill.

RedApple profile image

Dramlouie Thank you for keeping us updated with this positive news. I can only echo everything that SeasideSusie has said.

Wetsuiter profile image

if there is anything more we can do, such as all write complaints en masse, then, I'm sure many of us would happily do so.

Dramlouie profile image
Dramlouie in reply to Wetsuiter

I don't know what we could all do to stop this happening in future to us and others alike.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Dramlouie

I think maybe we need someone with both legal and specific understanding of thyroid, medication etc to help draft a living will that would cover this sort of situation.

Dramlouie profile image


I am so angry, there it is, why on earth didn't they do this, Mum had an IV line, I told the paramedics she hadn't been given thyroid meds for over a week, I feel I have been totally ignored, I was a QARANC and combat medic in the TA and have just been brushed aside with my arguments, oh I am fuming, I shall be making a complaint, this should not have happened, they looked at me as if I was daft. This will go further now, I am incensed about this. When Mum went in a few times before they should have continued her T3 instead of stopping it, she only got better when she went into Rehab and they reintroduced it. Wow, this is it, I am on the warpath and we need to do something, this is so obvious what Mum had. Perhaps someone can get this rolling, any ideas?

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Dramlouie

We have a member who is good at finding legal stuff. I wonder if she might be able to give some pointers or suggestions. Calling out to holyshedballs

Also, maybe london81 might have some ideas on what direction to go in.

london81 profile image
london81 in reply to RedApple

once again dram louie i’m so so sorry and shocked.

please consider typing up a timeline of what happened, when etc it can be very useful for complaints or action because these things can be forgotten over time or under pressure.

try and find a medical negligence solicitor ( a reputable one preferably recommended by a contact). don’t agree any fees without discussion with people you trust and ask about legal aid

visit your MP with a statement and chronology setting out exactly what you deem the errors so that they can raise this with the NHS and relevant bodies

consider going to the press ( but again proceed with caution and consider whether this should be before or after complaints - after better i think)

email thyroid uk and ask if they have any advice because i trust their judgement having campaigned and fought for us all ( thank god for them!)

good luck xxx

Dramlouie profile image

I am so very very sad to say that my dearest Mum lost her fight on 12th Jan. The case has now gone to the coroner. I am devastated that idiots on holiday were entrusted with her wellbeing. Hospital acquired pneumonia. I will not let this go unnoticed. Any ideas will be appreciated. I am in shock.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Dramlouie

My condolences re your mother's demise. I am going to add in the others who responded, as they wont be advised of your last comment.

london81 RedApple Wetsuiter SeasideSusie

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to shaws

Thank you Shaws for this alert.

london81 profile image
london81 in reply to Dramlouie

this is so utterly awful, I am sending my deepest condolences. let’s regroup to look at your options once you have had time to grieve and process. sending you a virtual hug xxx

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Dramlouie

I am so very sorry to hear this Dramlouie after she had managed to rally round so well after all your previous efforts, my deepest sympathy to you and all the family. You will need time to grieve and gather your thoughts but you are such a strong person and when the time is right you will be in a position to take this further.

Do please keep us informed and know that we are all thinking of you.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to SeasideSusie

I can only echo SeasideSusie's words. You did all you could, but those with the power let you both down so very badly.

Crazy_Cat_Woman profile image
Crazy_Cat_Woman in reply to Dramlouie

I am so sorry for you Dramlouie. Your mum’s story is truly heartbreaking. You deserve so much credit for all that you did for her.

I cannot give you any advice on how to go forward with a complaint. I will say that you sound like an incredibly strong lady who has fought very hard against a corrupt and broken NHS. You should take great pride in everything you achieved. Your mum will certainly have benefited greatly from everything you did for her.

Sending you lots of love and best wishes for any future complaint process you embark upon.

Wetsuiter profile image

Thinking of you. So sad.

holyshedballs profile image

Lots of good advice but just to add my bit about the doctors remarks about age:

If a doctor treats someone less favourably because of their age - such as not doing a full investigation and using age as an excuse - then this is an offence under the Equality Act 2010 and contrary to NHS Policy.

From 1 October 2012, it will be unlawful for service providers and commissioners to discriminate, victimise, or harass a person because of age. A person will be protected when requesting, and during the course of being provided with, goods facilities and services. If a member of the public aged 18 or over believes that they have been treated less favourably because of age, they will be able to take organisations or individuals to court - and may be awarded compensation. gov.uk/government/publicati....

The full policy "Implementing a ban on age discrimination in the NHS – making effective, appropriate decisions" is available here:


I had to "advise" a doctor of this law and policy when he told my (now ex) partner that her symptoms were just age. As soon as I did that his whole demeanour changed and she got a referral to a specialist. we complained to the surgery and not only that the specialist wrote a very strong letter to the GP admonishing him for his inaction. The surgery apologised so we left it at that.

It is the World Health Organisations view that ageing old and elderly people have no reason to be left infirm just because of their age. Old people should be healthy people. Age is not an excuse for poor health or lack of interest from doctors.


holyshedballs profile image

I've just scrolled through the rest of the posts and missed that you mum passed on. Please accept my condolences.

In my view you have a strong case to take the carers to court for negligence. It is good that the Coroner is investigating this case. If possible try to obtain legal representation for the inquest. Legal Aid is available for representation at coroners inquests but on limited basis

See this document for help on acquiring legal aid.


Dramlouie profile image

Mum had an autopsy last Friday so today the report should be out from the coroner. I wrote an email with all my concerns. We were told she had sepsis but strangely on all the doctors notes there is no mention of sepsis!! Sepsis has given her organ failure!! What on earth. I was pushing for T3, no way to give it to your Mum. The day before she died I was told, but an injection of T3 is £1000. They knew about it all along. I will give an update when I know more. Thank you for all your support. xx

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Dramlouie

Please know that there are many here who wish to support you.

Dramlouie profile image

Coroners report - Mum did not have pneumonia, sepsis or organ failure which the doctors said she had. Mum died of peptic duodenal ulcers as the main cause, secondary was pulmonary embolism leading to pulmonary infarction. I cannot believe it, feeling very sad, can't get my thoughts together. The report will come out in 5 weeks. I am shocked. Any comments welcome. Trying to get my head round it. :( I knew something wasn't right....

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