Yes another set of thyroid labs, this time from Medichecks as my GP won't test for another 6 months. I've recently begun B12 loading doses 3 x weekly and also supplementing with D3 and folate as all were very low. I've had a synacthen test due to low 9am cortisol and saliva tests and I passed the synacthen test so no adrenal issues (apparently). I'm currently taking half a grain of Erfa a day and 50mg levothyroxine, both prescribed by private endocrinologist. I wonder if anyone could cast a knowledgeable eye over these latest test results and let me have their thoughts prior to my appointment with the endocrinologist on 23 October. Many thanks.
Thyroid Hormones
TSH X 8.74 mIU/L (Range: 0.27 - 4.2)
Free T3 3.17 pmol/L (Range: 3.1 - 6.8)
Free Thyroxine X 11.500 pmol/L (Range: 12 - 22)
Reverse T3 14 ng/dL (Range: 10 - 24)
FT3 : rT3 X 14.74 Ratio (Range: > 15)