Hi, sorry to be back again but I'm not doing too well and not sure which bit to tackle with my G.P. in two weeks time. And, should I try some T3 replacement or ask my (private) endo about this? Worst symptoms right now are vary painful hands most of the time (new symptom), generally feeling very ill, hot (though I don't seem to sweat), extreme and sudden hairloss -all over not patches, itchy, prickly skin, awful brain fog and poor memory - almost feeling 'out of it', temp normal (usually it's low) I don't actually feel fatigued though. I have followed the excellent advice on here and been taking high quality Vit D/K, iron, B12, am gluten free. I'm attaching most recent test results.
From G.P. (they won't do more than this) 13/09/19
(full blood count done in March and was 'normal')
TSH level (XaELV) 0.06 miu/L [0.35 - 5]
free T4 level (XaERr) 15.8 pmol/L [7 - 20]
Vitamins etc from 3 weeks ago (that I could afford to have done)
Iron 41.4 range 13-150
B12 60.7 range 37.5-188 (this hasn't gone up since since taking supplements for two months)
Vit D 64.1 50-176
Thyroid test from Medichecks 03/09/19 - see photo
(TP antibodies have gone up if relevant)