T3/4 combo treatment. First blood results are i... - Thyroid UK

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T3/4 combo treatment. First blood results are in after 8 weeks treatment

MishB profile image
9 Replies

My first bloods are back after 8 weeks on a combination treatment of T3 10mcg and T4100mcg

Several of you were very kind to comment and advise when i finally started this regime and i know were interested as i was to see my first results after this inital treatment

I had been on 150mcg T4(levothyroxine), and endo dropped T4 by 50mcg and added 10mcg T3

Cant say i have felt a miracle cure, had a fall last week, still shattered, sleeping poorly, brain fog..etc..but my planter fasciitis has been less sore!! And actually havent gained any weight....but not lost any either!!

17.9 19

08.30 draw, fasting, no T4 24hrs and T3 taken 10 hrs before draw

FT3 3.7 pmol/l. 2.50-5.70 pmol/l

Free thyroxine T4. 11.8 pmol/l. 9.00-20.00pmol/l

TSH 0.9 mu/l. 0.35-5.00mu/l

HbA1c. 48 mmol/mol. 20 -42

I am due to have my first followup with the endo tomorrow weds

I think i should be encouraging T3 and T4 increase?

Any thoughts folks???

Previous results are on my last post . I will try n copy n paste in after i have posted as an edit

Previous results pre T3 bloods were taken a week or two by my GP before seeing the private Endo

10.7.19 on 150mcg levo, 08.30 appointment fasting and not taken meds 24hrs

TSH 0.59 mu/L (0.35-5)

FT3 4.4 pmol/L (2.50-5.70)

T4 although i know was asked for wasnt reported

HbA1c 51 mmol/mol (20-42). **

previous tests at GPs 31.12.18 on 150mcg levo 08.30 appt, fasting and no meds 24 hrs

TSH 0.15 mu/L (0.35-5)

FT3 3.3 pmol/L (2.50-5.70)

FT4 13.1 pmol/L

HbA1c 43 mmol/mol (20-42). Note last tested 18.10.16 and was 46 was not being treated for hashis at this point ie no levo

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MishB profile image
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9 Replies
Lalatoot profile image

Only Inc one thing at a time. ft4 will be low because you are on t3. Ft3 is low. It is not even half way through the range. Many need it well into the top half of the range to feel well. If it was me I would be looking to increase t3. Some folks feel better with a low ft4 when they are on a combo and others need it higher. I would think about that once your Ft3 levels are well over half way through the range.

MishB profile image
MishB in reply to Lalatoot

Wow thankyou for quick response...was surprised to see how low my T3 still was

SlowDragon profile image

Endo probably reduced Levothyroxine too much. Pity FT4 wasn't tested prior to starting T3

FT4 was far too low in test prior (Dec 2018)

Suggest you push for 25mcg dose increase in Levothyroxine and bloods retested in 6-8 weeks

Likely to need further 25mcg increase in either Levothyroxine or 5mcg increase in T3

What about vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 levels, when were these last tested?

What vitamin supplements do you currently take?

MishB profile image
MishB in reply to SlowDragon

Good to hear from you Slow Dragon

When had bloods done week before first visit to the private Endo..had other tests...some repeated from above .....

10.7.19 on 150mcg levo, 08.30 appointment fasting and not taken meds 24hrs

TSH 0.59 mu/L (0.35-5)

FT3 4.4 pmol/L (2.50-5.70)

T4 although i know was asked for wasnt reported!

Folate 19.1 ug/L (2.70-34). Take supplement from GP

Ferritin 224 ug/L (20-275)

Vit D 167nmol/L (50-150). Take supplements

B12 949 ng/L. Have inj 8 weekly

HbA1c 51 mmol/mol (20-42). **

Fasting blood glucose 7.1 mmol/L. (3-6) **

Also take selenium and magnesium citrate daily

Thyroid meds normally when wake at 6am..n all the others at bed time

You kindly commented on my last post a month or so back, saying u thought T4 had been dropped too quick as normally 25 increases yet hed dropped me 50

Just wanting to go forearmed.....to my appt tomoz...to guide him!!

Apologies late posting only had bloods done a week ago...surgery wouldnt release results as not seen by gp even by this morning when i had my B12 injection, but my lovley practice nurse printed off so could take to consultant to moz!!

SlowDragon profile image

Can see from previous posts you have Hashimoto's and PA

Are you on strictly gluten free diet?

Or tried it?

MishB profile image

Yes to GF diet, 18 months now and has made ahuge difference, not sorted by any means but much much better...and boy do i know it if someone says gf n its not!! Tmi!!

Miffie profile image

What has your GP /endo said about recent HbA1c results of 10th July when it was 51 and of 17th September when it was 48. I am diabetic and have much better results than these. HbA1c is not usually tested so frequently as it reflects level over a period of time and is not affected by a day or week.

There are people who having one autoimmune condition are more prone to others. If it has not been mentioned I suggest you bring it up. Early intervention is best for putting diabetes into remission. Good luck.

MishB profile image
MishB in reply to Miffie

Hi, yup been watching the sugar levels...test had 31.12.18 came back as. 43, prev to that it had been tested 18.10.16 and 46, so generally were happy with way it was heading...ie down...not even sure why it was tested july, assume as was a full blood profile prior to my first appt with endo.....10.7.19 -51

I was called into gp for diabetes check, saw a new gp to me, but has interest in endo...had my letter from endo, and at mo deferring to him, he had asked for a retest in 3 months.....but gp retested 17.9.19. -48.. less than 2months

Endo today suggests retest 3 months again to see if still downward trend...gp did wonder as my metabolism so up the creek...if the T3 inclusion may affect...she didnt know...endo today said unlikely?!

Do many symptoms of T2D overlap again? I have gained nearly 3 stone since diagnosed with hashimotos! And thought once medicated right this may start to come off n sugers imbrove? Or am i being delusional ?

Miffie profile image
Miffie in reply to MishB

I have to be careful about how I eat. I avoid processed carbs at every turn. Most diabetics find LCHF helps to improve control and even put T2 into remission. Best place for it! I seriously cannot imagine how a thyroid hormone is going to improve blood glucose levels with no effort from you. Most GPs know that getting rid of excess weight is one of the best ways to help T2. You may stop gaining weight on T3 especially if you need a large amount. In time with more energy you could burn up calories and lose a bit. All very “ possibly/ maybe”. Certainly it won’t happen as quickly as if a concentrated effort is made to shed the pounds. Good luck. x

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