I have recently tried this for anxiety and sleep and it really helped but the tablets I have are really large and I’m gagging and choking to swallow then even when halved. Can anyone recommend a brand which is easier to swallow?
Magnesium glycinate: I have recently tried this... - Thyroid UK
Magnesium glycinate

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You could try crushing the tablets up
Or try Calm vitality magnesium powder. Cheap and easy to use use. Mixes with water as a drink.
Re-Mag is another liquid option.
All magnesium supplements need to be four hours away from taking Levothyroxine
I like Voost magnesium tablets. They are big but you drop them into a glass of water and they make a lovely fizzy lemon and lime drink. Not sure what type of magnesium but they don’t cause any weird symptoms for me. Probably not the cheapest way of taking magnesium though. I imagine the Calm magnesium powder would be easier on the purse - you could probably add that to fizzy water and get the same effect.
Calm vitality magnesium powder is fizzy if you drink it very quickly after mixing with water
Must look out for it, there’s a very good health store in our nearest big town. Doubt if I’d get it locally. Buying powder has to be better value that a smallish tube of tablets.
I like fizzy for that sort of thing, if I ever take Fybogel I always mix it in fizzy water rather than flat - don’t know why because nowadays I never drink fizzy drinks - in the case of Fybogel think the fizz takes away from the taste and texture. Thanks.
I take: BioSchwartz, Maximum Absorption Magnesium Bisglycinate, 120 Mini-Caps
good they are workin, can you use a pill cutter or have in liquid form?
I take liquid Mega Mag which I add in my morning orange juice (I take my thyroid meds at night). It is magnesium chloride rather than glycinate, but I've not had a single problem from it. I prefer it for the fact of being liquid rather than tablets, and the dose can be easily adjusted using the pipette provided in the bottle top.
Thank you MaisieGray I’m keen to keep on with magnesium glycinate as it has greatly decreased my anxiety and improved my sleep....
That's fine to have orange juice if you don't have problems with so much sugar and citric acid in the juice which can affect some people with delicate throat and
mouth and oesophagus as well as stomach. Diabetics have to watch excess sugar in drinks which is boring!
Me too. It's really good.
Thorne Magnesium Bisglycinate powder. It mixes with water & tastes decent--sort of lemony. It really helps my sleep if I take it at bedtime.
I use an over the counter remedy in peppermint squares Renies from supermarkets and chemist. One tablet contains 340mg of magnesium and some calcium. Have found this helpful. The taste is fine.

Rennies are designed to work as an antacid which is probably not a good idea if hypo-associated low acid is an issue; and supplementing with calcium, depending on how many Rennies are taken and how often, likewise might not be advisable without knowing calcium levels, but more generally as the Mayo Clinic advises for instance, " Calcium supplements — or antacids containing calcium — can interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement medication" so it's important to take them several hours apart.
They may have a purpose but have multi uses. The vitamin D and K cycle are essential to the absorption of calcium into the bones instead tissue. Magnesium pillules can be obtained from a chemist and are fine. They have helped on their own with anxiety and stress. They are so small they are easy to swallow.

I'm not sure I follow you. Something may have multiple uses, but if it has the effect of an antacid - and its own ad states that it turns stomach acid to water - then it will do that, whether or not you take it for another benefit. So if a hypo or Hashi person has low stomach acid, which is perfectly possible of course, then it will be exacerbated even if they intended to take the Rennies only for the Magnesium Carbonate contained within it. That Vitamin D assists the body to absorb calcium doesn't alter the fact that you may be taking it to excess, likewise that Vit K helps, amongst other things, to ensure that calcium goes to teeth and bones doesn't negate an excess of calcium if it is present. My point is that there are lots of available 'clean' magnesium products around without taking a product primarily intended and designed as an antacid.
Agreed. However magnesium chloride binds to metal, and may if taken with orange juice with citric acid, exacerbate GERD. As Wobbly x did not mention she had a acid intolerance in her post, then my suggestion of calcium carbonate was based on the daily requirement of a magnesium supplement of 1 tablet a day. This would depend for normal calcium levels. As an alternative a small magnesium carbonate pillule was suggested taken with water, as Wobblyx has swallowing and gagging reflex .Taking a large crumbly tablet with magnesium chloride with orange juice might change the formulation increasing citric acid precipitating oesophageal reflux. My comments was based magnesium carbonate and calcium in Rene is recommended for the prevention of GERD. Both magnesium carbonate and magnesium chloride with metal binding, taken with citric acid in the orange juice, would change the formulation?

Hidden I'm sorry, but I am being increasingly confused by what you write. WobblyX is seeking an alternative to her present tablet, which she takes as an aide to improving sleep and anxiety. GERD has no relevance to that. Likewise, I don't understand the relevance of magnesium chloride binding to metal. As I understand, all forms of magnesium have the capacity to bind with metal, not only magnesium chloride, but what relevance does that have to this thread. In fact, magnesium also binds with water, so are you suggesting magnesium tablets should be swallowed dry? I assume not. I did not suggest taking a tablet of whatever form of magnesium, with orange juice; I commented only that is how I take my liquid Mega Max. So whether or not taking a tablet of magnesium chloride with juice would change the formulation, is academic. However, I can't, with only my very old schoolgirl chemistry, think why taking a tablet with juice would increase citric acid, and that increase would precipitate reflux; but again, it has no relevance as I was describing only my own use of liquid Mega Max, and further, the OP has made no reference to reflux.
I believe it was important for other members to be aware of the issue with taking Rennies, a proprietary antacid/indigestion product, which as I have said, contains calcium and has the ability to convert stomach acid to water. Hence my response. I offered the suggestion of liquid Mega Mag to the OP as an alternative to tablet form, since that is what she has the issue with, and merely offered the background information aka "serving suggestion", of taking it with orange juice as my own preference, not with the inference that anyone else should necessarily take it that way - the manufacturer's advice is simply to take it with a glass of liquid, presumably of one's choice and suitability. If someone is diabetic they will know for themselves what is or isn't suitable for them, in exactly the same way as when it is often suggested here, that liver pate can be taken to improve iron levels, I don't, as a non-meat eater, feel obligated to follow the suggestion. This dialogue has taken a bizarre direction and apart from confusing me, I don't feel it is in anyway assisting in the OP's dilemma, so I shan't reply further.
I don't understand why you recommended your personal preference for drinking orange juice with the magnesium chloride. People think you are an expert. People might take this as gospel information not understanding how bio chemistry changes foods.
As Wobble x wanted a change in brand which was easier to assimilate, a small pillule, with magnesium would be easily swallowed by water. Some pharmacies have their own brands in the UK.
Information does say that citric acid added to magnesium compounds will alter the formulation of the absorption of magnesium.
Valupak has a good range of mineral and vitamins which are small and easy to swallow. info@valupak.co.uk
I found your info confusing too, especially about "hypo - associated acid problems". As you indicate everyone will understand their needs according to their condition. in your reply, this is not necessarily true.
As post thread referred to thyroidectomy and the sensitive area round her throat from intubation. Citric acid in orange juice might inflame the tissue in the throat, This is not academic it is fact! I agree with Shaws administrator that there are many supplements which might be suitable.
No need to reply.

Hidden I said i wasn't going to continue this dialogue but as you have deliberately misrepresented me here, I feel I must. I DID NOT, repeat DID NOT recommend my personal preference for ingesting Mega Mag with orange juice. Which part of
- "which I add in my morning orange juice"
- "I did not suggest taking a tablet of whatever form of magnesium, with orange juice; I commented only that is how I take my liquid Mega Max"
- "merely offered the background information aka "serving suggestion", of taking it with orange juice as my own preference, not with the inference that anyone else should necessarily take it that way"
- "the manufacturer's advice is simply to take it with a glass of liquid, presumably of one's choice and suitability"
reads as me recommending my personal preference? None of it.
As far as I can see, Shaws has not participated in this thread, and it was Slow Dragon who wrote that possibly many different magnesium supplements have the same effect, and she said that in response to the OP saying she was keen to continue with magnesium glycinate as it has greatly decreased her anxiety and improved sleep. And that has no relevance to this dialogue.
My saying that the issue of citric acid was academic meant that it had no relevance to what was being discussed here; please don't distort that too now!
My saying that people will understand their needs according to their condition, was in response to your implied accusation that my drinking juice will some how mislead those with diabetes into drinking it; and I further clarified this by paralleling my own experience as a non-meat eater of not being persuaded into eating liver just because others do.
If you didn't understand my info about hypo-associated acid problems you could have asked for clarification, but you could read the post below, on the subject, by Nico101. She explains the deleterious effect of antacids, plus I say again, taking Rennie antacids for the purposes of supplementing magnesium is not a good idea for the reasons she outlines. It is a matter of fact not conjecture nor opinion.
Agreed, and lowering stomach acid is never a good idea - especially when people knock back antacids thinking the burning in their gullet is high stomach acid when in fact it is due to low stomach acid. Low stomach acid means food cannot be properly digested and causes poor nutrient absorption and, if left for long enough, can cause SIBO and leaky gut and seriously disrupt the gut biome.
Hi! Since I have sleep problems I’m really interested in taking magnesium glycinate. Here’s one article from Healthline which supports what is said here:
“Research indicates supplemental magnesium can improve sleep quality, especially in people with poor sleep. ... Magnesium increases GABA, which encourages relaxation as well as sleep. Low GABA levels in the body can make it difficult to relax. Magnesium also plays a key role in regulating the body's stress-response system.May 14, 2018”
So, I’m happy to follow the good advice from people here and hope for improved sleep 💤. I’ll let everyone know how it goes in about a month!
Xxxx Teresamarie
Pure Encapsulations Magnesium Glycinate is good. You can buy it from Revital also online.
Hi, these are what I take:
They are very easy to swallow capsules and I get a perfect nights sleep, before I discovered them my jumping, twitchy legs were driving me mad and keeping me awake.
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