I hope it's OK to ask about other hormones than thyroid hormones as well.
I was put on bio-identical estrogen (Estrogel) last year, to be used 25 days a month, along with progesterone (Utrogestan, 200 mg) to be taken ten days a month. The hormones were prescribed by the anti-aging doctor who also prescribes NDT.
However, I am not sure estrogen has been good for me. Since starting it, I have developed new symptoms such as bloating, swollen, tender breasts, and weight gain. After being overweight for years on T4 only (diagnosed with Hashimoto's 19 years ago), I had finally managed to lose 20 kilograms on Thyroid-S, and had a normal BMI for the first time in decades. Since July 2018, when I was put on estrogen, I have gained 20 kgs and seem unable to lose weight no matter what I do. After doing well on NDT for years, I now feel slightly hypothyroid even on 5 grains of NDT daily. I have not had labs since going on estrogen/progesterone (next doctor's appointment is in October).
I have read a lot about estrogen dominance, and how it can wreak havoc on the body. All of the symptoms I've developed in recent months are indicative of estrogen dominance. Also, I used to gain weight all over my body, whereas now, it's mainly in the abdominal area.
Some alternative doctors in the US claim that most peri-menopausal women (I'm 48) are actually estrogen dominant, not estrogen deficient, and need progesterone but not estrogen.
Also, I have been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, took prednisolone (5 mg daily) for a couple of years (prescribed by same doctor) but weaned off it as I did not feel comfortable taking steroids indefinitely. I have read that, when the adrenal glands cannot make enough cortisol, the body will use progesterone to make cortisol (as the body prioritizes cortisol over sex hormones), making estrogen dominance even worse.
I have read that estrogen increases levels of TBG (thyroid-binding hormone), so that less thyroid hormone enters the cells, thus causing hypothyroidism even if someone is on thyroid hormone replacement.
I'd be interested to know if anyone else has experienced the same thing, and felt better after going off estrogen?