I hope it's OK to ask about HRT here:
The so called Hormone doctors in Belgium seem to prescribe progesterone and estrogen for all their female patients over 40. I was put on both P and E five years ago, at age 42. At the time, I was not nearly as informed and knowledgeable about hormone replacement as I am today, so I just started taking them as prescribed (estrogen cream day 5-25 of cycle, Utrogestan first 100 mg, then raised to 200 mg, from day 15-25 of cycle).
It's only in recent months that I have noticed the first signs of peri-menopause: my periods now tend to come every 24 days instead of every 28-30 days. I have also been having some hot flashes that I first attributed to being hyperthyroid (from taking too much NDT), but I have no other signs of an overactive thyroid.
I have read a lot recently about how you are not really estrogen deficient during peri-menopause, but rather suffer from estrogen dominance, and therefore should use progesterone alone.
It's not really easy to question your doctor, especially not one trained by T. Hertoghe who is often described as the best hormone specialist in Europe.
Also, many US sites recommend that you don't use HRT for more than five years, and I have been on it for almost five years now. Had I known back then what I know now, I don't think I would ever have started it...at least not estrogen.
When I was put on these meds, peri-menopause was never mentioned, but I was told that since I suffer from adrenal fatigue I would need to replace all adrenal hormones, not just cortisol.
I have just started taking Agnus Castus which is said to raise your own progesterone levels. But I am currently asking myself I should stop using Estrogel altogether...and possibly Utrogestan as well...?