Hello I have graves disease with overactive thyroid I'm taking 40mg of carbimizole a day my last test results showed that free thyroxine had gone up again 7.6 my my t3 and t4 are fine now. My endo is aiming at getting me underactive then will change my medication. I'm also waiting to have a thyroidectomy I know it's not everyone's choice I understand the risk ect but I'm fine with that my symptoms just seem to not change I get sudden burst of energy then when that's gone I sit and cant move. So my only question really is when will I stop being thyrotoxic or when will I improve?
When will I stop being thyrotoxic : Hello I have... - Thyroid UK
When will I stop being thyrotoxic

Hi Kirstyl,
What you are experiencing happened to me when I was on Tapazole as well . I would be energetic for hours and then collapse and then I was utterly useless and exhausted. I can only speak for myself - that feeling didn’t go away until after my TT 4 months ago. I also had normal bloodwork at the same time when I had those symptoms.
By the way, you should not have to justify your choice of having a TT to anyone. If you feel that is right for you and your MD agrees, and you aware of the issues involved, I will wish you all the best and hope your surgery goes well. Wishing you all the best and hope you are feeling better. I remember your earlier posts and you were really ill and hoping you would improve.
Thankyou unfortunately I'm not improving, when I think I am, I prove myself wrong the only thing that as improved is putting myself first before work.
Just like everyone else you get fed up if feeling poorly. And my anxietys are not good at all. Come the 30th I will of been off work 8 week and dont believe I'll be going back in a hurry neither I've promised myself not to return until I feel better because when I returned after been off for 6 week it didnt last long before I was off again. I think i went back too soon.
I guess it depends on my body then, in regards of feeling better. My endo did say that I may not improve until its removed. And thankyou again
You are so welcome - my pleasure! I’m sending you a hug 🤗 and you are doing the right thing by taking time for yourself. You need it and I am so glad you are putting yourself first. 👏
After surgery Graves patients need peace and quiet - literally - in order to recover. It’s not just the TT but also your Graves that has to be managed. It makes all the difference. Good luck and all the best.
A different situation, but when I first had my TT for cancer I was off work for 8 months. These things take a long time
You are so right, SilverAvocado. I am not back at work after 4 months and not sure I will be able to go back in the fall when I am scheduled to return. I went to a group event yesterday and had to leave because I became so anxious I had to leave the room. I am still trying to find the right dose of meds, getting there, but as they say, no cigar yet. Wishing you all the best and hoping you are better.
So u test for -
Is this correct?
What are the ranges?
My tsh is fully supressed my t4 is now normal at 16 my t3 is 7.6
When you write t4 t3, are you referring to Free t4 and Free t3?