Hi I've just joined and I really would be grateful for some advice from anyone that is using a vibrating plate. I have an under active thyroid it was caused when I was having radio therapy for ear cancer in 2010. A few days ago my vibration plate arrived and after reading all the do's and don'ts I got going. I have a strange feeling in my chest and my legs. Feels like I'm shaking or vibrating although I know I'm not on the machine. Has anyone had a similar experience or can tell me why it's happening?
vibration plate: Hi I've just joined and I really... - Thyroid UK
vibration plate

Welcome to our forum & sorry to hear about your ear cancer & consequenting hypo.
With all our thyroid/adrenals issues, many of us do enough vibrating on our own😳 .. I spent a whole year feeling as if I was plugged into a fridge ! .. 😂.
Apart from vibrating, what benefits is the vibrating plate supposed to provide ?
After reading up on this it does help to strengthen muscles and improve tone. Can also help with weight loss. I have loss of strength in my legs partly due to sciatica in my left leg and a composite skin graft taken from my right leg and placed on my left ear to protect it while it healed after having the operation to remove a malignant growth from my ear. I have never experienced this shaking or vibrating before.
I attribute the my own internal vibrations to adrenal issues caused by long term undiagnosed hypothyroidism . The vibrations are weird and totally unrecognised by GP's. Generally mine are fine now but can still switch on & off if I get really tired.
Ummm ... a vibration plate improving muscle strength and tone makes sense, but maybe you have over done things if you are suffering from thyroid problems.
If you advise what you are medicating & for how long, and provide any recent test results including ranges (numbers in brackets), members will comment.
You are absolutely right! I am one of these people that want to push myself and I pushed the button for vibration strength quite alot! So lesson learnt, less is more! I recently had a blood test for my thyroid and I'm stable on my 75mg one day and then 100mg the next of Levothyroxin. Sorry I don't have the numbers must remember to ask for them next test.
Your cat looks really happy. 😁
I have one. Only go on it for basic I.e. 5 to five mins. It seems ok for me. Don't have it high if placing hands on it it should only be a 6. Or so my DVD states. Keep forgetting to go on it. 😊
Thanks for that advice. I always rush in and then realise I forgotten to check and double check the instructions!
Hi madaboutcats, I have a vibrating plate. Not consistent in using but do when I remember but basically if you are ill, or have a disability preventing you from exercising as you should or just can't get out, sitting a lot, science shows we should move more than we sit during the day - for instance walking etc a vibration plate can achieve this for you - get your lymph flowing (which is not pumped around like your blood - you have to move to move it - fundemental to health) Also using or exercise creates Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) we need it. Re Vibration plates google Dr Mercola or Dave Asprey - both have you tube videos and they use personally
But I personally thought that you only stood on /sat on in any one position for 30 secs, get off and then change position, to affect different muscle groups. I have always stayed on the low setting and if not used for a bit would only do say 3 positions so thats no longer than 1.30 minutes. I don't time, I just count to 30. I can feel what I think of as blood rushing when getting off as prickles. Probably Nitrous Oxide production
Only negative thing I have heard re use is can possibly lead to detached retina. So I am aware not to over do it. Also I believe that you use alternate days to allow muscle recovery. But I just use to enhance walking, stretching. Lifting weights as in carrying heavy shopping bags is known to encourage strong bone growth which we obviously desire. The brain is going to instruct more bone growth if it finds the body has extra weight to carry. Which is why slightly built people have less strong bones, which is why I may hold a weight on the vibrating plate as one of my positions. I like to move on the plate to imitate walking, carrying/lifting, stretching not standing still.
Low thyroid = high cortisol. Think of a balance scale. One down the other is up inevitably. So affects hormone and adrenal production. But to be honest - we are one body, everything affects everything else - we are not divided up in to unconnected segments no matter how the medical system like to carve us up into specialisms. For instance Thyroid hormone is involved in making LDL receptors on cells. Simply put, too little thyroid hormone, too few LDL receptor cells = LDL not taken into the cell but circulating in the blood. Did your doctor mention that? Look up you tube videos of health lectures by John Bergman he has several on thyroid/ adrenal health and addresses with common sense and the understanding of how the human body works together. He worked for years dissecting the human body to gain such an undertanding. Hope this helps x
Thanks so much for your help. I will certainly look at youtube. I bought the machine for many reasons one important one was to improve my balance. After having the cancer removed from my ear it left me with a slight balance problem so I'm hoping that it will not only help with strengthening my muscles in my legs, tone my body but help me address my balance. This site is so helpful I am so pleased I found it! My doctor just diagnosed me the an under active thyroid, started me on Levothyroxin and that was it. My weight has increased and now I have type 2 diabetes so another tablet to take. I do try and help myself.I watch what I eat. I do circuit training twice a week. Take walks, do Tai chi once a week and now I use the vibration machine every day. I should be like a stick insect but sadly what I see in the mirror is a person that looks pregnant! I won't give up and I carry on and stay positive. x
Maybe your newly aquired internal vibration could be the result of your vibrating machine messing with your sciatica.
I have a damaged sciatic nerve and the pain is in varying degrees, from livable to wanting to take a chainsaw to my leg. So far I haven't seen any significant change but will keep an eye on that. Thank you.
Never do more than the recommended duration, and if you find that you are left with a tingling sensation or the shakes even on a shorter duration then limit your usage to a shorter period (i.e. until you aren't left with a tingling sensation or the shakes).
I sometimes work with power tools such as strimmers, chainsaws, vibrating plates (used for bedding down the bottom layer when laying a new path) etc. Professional training on those always talks about white finger syndrome, which is a secondary form of Raynauds. Basically, too much use of vibrating equipment can result in loss of fingers (they first go white, hence the name). The problem extends beyond the hands though. It's one of those problems that lawyers love as it's easy money for them getting industrial compensation). I limit my usage on any particular day by starting with the fuel tank full, but not refilling and continuing after it runs out.
Whilst vibrating plates (the exercise equipment form) won't be vibrating as much as power tools, I would assume that overuse could cause similar problems, so I would be cautious (just my layperson's view, I'm not medically trained).
That makes sense. Thank you for your advice. Must admit today I have limited to 5 minutes 3 times a day and don't feel so shaky. I was doing 15 minutes at quite a strong vibration.
No sorry, but I love your cat!
He says thank you very much for the compliment!
hey hi , i was diagnosed with underactive thyroid back in June unfortuately , my husband bought the vibrating plate a couple of years ago but i never used it but due to my health and tiredness ie the dreaded thyroid i started to use it, i may get the same feeling as you but to be honest id say my skin itches rather than vibrate and only while on it , hence me been on my pc now trying to find out if it is safe to use