I'm vibrating inside my body anyone heard of this
help: I'm vibrating inside my body anyone heard... - Thyroid UK

It can be a sign of over medication. Do you think you may be?
I agree with Greybeard63
Are you taking levothyroxine? If so, it could be overmedication and if not, your thyroid may be overactive. Also check out parathyroid function.
I thought it was to do with cortisol. Have you had that tested?
I got that when I was hyper with Graves.
I had this for a number of months especial at night I woukd wake up and my whole body would be vibrating and shaking I think with me i was under medicated as it seems to have subsided since my levo has gone up
I had that with being under medicated and also with low cortisol / both need to be balanced - adrenals and thyroid -
I had this last year and put it down to perimenopause. A couple of months later I was hyperthyroid and overmedicated. In January this year I was suddenly unable to take my medication as it was making me feel dreadful. Came off my medication when I realised my problem was my adrenals. Will work over the next few months to adjust my diet to help my body produce its own thyroid.
If it feels like you are sitting in a car with the engine running then yes I’ve been getting this for the past 3 weeks. I’m not sure what the cause is and am now waiting for my adrenal stress profile results as many have said it could be adrenal related (I’ll post results when they arrive)
I had this when I was hyperactive before I was treated it was the oddest sensation
Me too, i had it in the 1st few months of being being, it does go away with meds.xx😊😊
I have had my heart feel like it was shaking. Made me want to just curl up into a ball to stop it. This was from overmedication. Also got nauseous and dizzy
Hi Smith6850, I too have had this my entire life, initially thought it was because I lived near the underground railway, but continued when I moved house! I only recently realised that it’s one of my hypothyroid symptoms. As it’s been lifelong for me and doesn’t unduly affect me I’m not sure it’s something for me to worry too much about ... I’m wondering as I’m such a cold person if it’s a way the body shivers to try to raise the bodies temperature? Anyone else thought this might be the case? Best wishes DP.
I think it is called dystonia, a sensation of internal vibrations on the rare occasions I have gut it it felt like I was sitting in a washing machine 😳 It is a recognised symptom in other conditions (may be MS or Parkinson’s?) but seldom thyroid disorders. Not sure that it is known as to why it occurs
Sorry to hear you’ve got the shivers, perhaps it’s the Poldark effect, Are you my husbands first love, Elizabeth? DP.
Do you have hypothyrodism? There's no information on your Profile of any medical conditions or if you are hypothyroid or hyperthyroid.
Has your doctor taken a blood test for thyroid hormone deficiency. You need a TSH, T4, T3, Free T3, Free t4, and thyroid antibodies.
All blood tests for thyroid hormones have to be at the very earliest possible, fasting (you can drink water) and if you were on thyroid hormones you'd allow a gap of 24 hours between last dose and test.
If you can get a print-out of your results from the doctors, with the ranges and put them on a new post.
OK, you’ve got a deal, I need his cash!
For me it was my gallbladder once removed it helped it was inlarged pressing on the Vega nerve hope this helps took me 5 years and 10 doctors to give me a gallbladder function test ...,,could be any thing ,,,,,,, I am not a doctor my prayers go out to you sorry your like this trust me I was for years still have tremors inside from time to time it’s not fun .
Hi. I understand. Have had this vibrating for 10 mo now. My Doc has done so much bloodwork & nothing has turned up. This weekend I will be doing the 24 he Cortisol Free Urine Test & Cortisol Saliva test. Hopefully, the results will get a diagnosis. I have low thyroid levels and much stress over a 5 yr period. I expect adrenal problems. So debilitating. Can't do anything I used to. 68 yrs old. Tell me about you.
I’ve had this it was in my leg and I thought it was my phone vibrating in my pocket. Of course it isn’t
I have the same problem I was told it is nerve damage my neck and back tingle and legs also and right now I am on 75 of levothyroxine the mylan brand the lannett was giving me problems and I also have tingling inmy head I have been like this for about three years any advice for me
is it lke a buzzing feeling? i get it in my arms or thighs. havent had it for a while. no obvious connection with either my hypothyroid or my diabetes2
It could well be and I spelt it all wrong!