Has anyone tried Circadian T3 Method for Adrena... - Thyroid UK

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Has anyone tried Circadian T3 Method for Adrenals?

Yennn profile image
7 Replies

Hey group I just stumbled across Paul Robinson’s CT3 method to fix low Morning cortisol. I’m only low in the morning and have been prx HC for it,I’m finding I have weight gain and crazy insomnia. I’m only on 10mg s day and want to get it off it ASAP.

So when I stumbled across CT3 method and how it’s worked to increase adrenal function I was delighted. However I’m slightly confused in dosing and method.

Does any one know if it’s one dose an hour and half before wakening up?

Do you need to take any more t3 during the Day? If anyone can help advise me would be great. I read this info on SSTM Page.

My thyriod results are

Tsh 2.01 (0.35-5.00)

T4 16 (12-22)

Ft3 4 (3.1-6.8)

TGA 33.9

TPA <9

I’ll post pic of my saliva test showing just a low morning cortisol.

Would I benefit from trying this method?

Many thank Yen

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7 Replies
endomad profile image

There is a facebook page that has a group that deals with CT3M I tried it for my very low morning cortisol but didnt work for me. Many swear by it but you have got to be dedicated with a journal, many daily checks of temps, heart rate, blood pressure. I found the regime so strict it stressed me out, my sleep was bad for years and it seemed counter intuitive to set an alarm to wake me up to take t3 from a deep sleep and being unable to sleep after, which then gave me adrenaline rushes. I take all my t3 at bedtime as after a few years of trying it seems the best time for me, I use natural progesterone cream at same time, splitting doses just leave me tired. For those CT3M works for its life changing but my cortisol was very low, my endo gave me hydra cortisone for emergency stress dosing but will not continue it as he says it will stop my adrenals recovering. I still dont handle stress at all and dont have this part of the puzzle sorted, its all such a balancing act xx

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to endomad

Oh my, you sound just exactly like me!

Can I ask what your cortisol levels were?

Have u done a saliva cortisol 4 point test?

I did and I was 4.6 out of a optimal range of 18-40. I accidentally fell asleep and sleeping will rise cortisol my noon result was 7, even after a nap. Aim is to be at 12.

Then my 9am cortisol blood were only 251

I’m told the range should be (500/550) at this time. But my docs gave me 24hour range at (240-600) I failed to rise in an synacthen test 3 times!

395nmol 423nmol and last 314.

Cut off is minimum 430nmol.

Endo just like u gave me sick day rule only 10mg HC.

I was bedridden lost my job due to fatigue pain and so much more during the day to night time insomnia or fall sleep for an hour or two and wake always at 3am 5am and stay awake till 9am till I sleep till 1pm.

18 months this has been going on for I was contemplating suicide. No help, suffering and no idea.

Then I started working with a functional doc who put me on 15 mg of HC daily.

I finally can get out and sleep the only down point is I gained two stone on my belly, I’m a skinny girl with slim arms and legs so the belly is really noticeable.

Then I found Paul Robinson’s page and thought wow that sounds like me..

How would I do this..

Do I need this tho.. as my ft3 is within range but low levels. 4.22 (3-6.8)

And the waking up one and half hour prior would disturb my sleep even more.

Dr Myhill says one can use 5-15mg HC without causing suppression, to use HC as a crutch to let the adrenals heal.

I also have a prx for t3 but I haven’t tried it yet as I heard u need cortisol to be at a good level before.

Can I ask what dose of t3 u take and when?

HAve u used any glandular to support ur adrenals or adaptogens?

Seem we are on same boat if I can help u at all I Defo will.

This journey has been a loooong tedious and lonely journey in clawing back to health and life. Wish u all the best. Thanks for reaching out x

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to Yennn

cortisol test october 2015 105 (150-550) endo ignored the result but ordered a sst, i stimmed at 650 so my adrenals work when artificially stimmed but not on their own, i was extremely ill for 7 days after sst, still nothing was done as endo said results were 'near enough'

Last october my cortisol had dropped to 95 (150-550) so endo gave emergency 10mg but said keep stress down.

My 4 point saliva were all low so i tried CT3M its a painfully slow method and as things can change with thyroid i was not confident it could keep changing and i never get to the point where i feel better.

I am on 75-100mcg t3 daily as i am resistant but also such low cortisol hampers absorption which is why i use progesterone as im also estrogen dominant.

I have months where i feel great, sleep well and have plenty of energy but then i crash regularly, usually due to stress and im back to square one.

Adaptogens made no difference, i have tried everything and nothing so far has helped but the 10mg but i dont want to be reliant on it and weaning off is not easy, just read the adrenal support fb page to hear horror stories. I have no real answers myself and have never found anyone worth being referred to either, my endo is good with my thyroid and t3 friendly but he wont touch the adrenal issue x

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to endomad

Oh wow! A 9am cortisol at 150 is far too low. Have u seen a endo who is specialises In adrenals and pituarty issues? I’ve seen 4 and sadly not all know how to interpret test properly.

I was told a 9am should be above 300nmol I have it in writing from a endo doctor and confirmed by endocrine society.

The thing with HC is it won’t do you danger if you infact need cortisol it only becomes a problem if u don’t need it. A person body should produce 25/30 mg of cortisol per day.

If your 9am cortisol is at 105, it gets lower as the day goes on, by afternoon u would have completely crashed out. Are you still able to work? Get out of bed etc? Have u posted in the fb adrenal page?

I have had a lot of great advise. Also

5-15mg dose won’t suppress the adrenals. Here’s a link from Dr Myhill who explains it better than I can.


If ur cortisol saliva is low too Defo HC would help u and once u take it

It can let the adrenal rest and repair, and wean off it skipping a day back on and skipping will allow the Adrenals to work again.

Can I ask what progrestrone u are on?

And what ur levels were to take it?

Mines was at 0.6 and docs said normal done on day 21 of cycle. Defo not normal. My estrogen was 533

I’m taking bio identical prog 12 days after cycle and also take dim to control and balance the estrogen.

We sound very similar.

Would love to connect and see if we can help each other.

The things I have found that has helped sadly hasn’t came from docs, irs been research and forums and connecting with others a like.

Also I wanted to ask do u have any mercury fillings,

I never thought they would be a health problem until I done a hair mineral test, and I got mine all removed by a bio dentist (don’t use nhs) they drill in to it causing u to be re poisoned again. After removal my adrenals started to wake.

Hope this helps u , I know this journey is a long lonely road. So if I can help at all I Defo will x

samaja profile image
samaja in reply to Yennn

Yennn and Endomad. The best source of information is actually Paul Robinson himself. You can find him through his webpage:


Or on FB


His last book The Thyroid Patient's Manual is very good and would give you some answers about adrenals but he also works with people individually and has plenty of experience with adrenals having gone through the recovery himself. Good luck!

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to Yennn

Typical i typed out answer and my internet went down taking my reply with it arrrrrg!

So here I go again;

I have not been able to find an endo who is specialises In adrenals and pituitary issues to be referred to, my endo is good with thyroid and t3 friendly but does not want to deal with adrenal, he just says keep stress free! as if it is that simple.

I am more a morning person but do struggle some days, I have 3 dogs and have to be up at 7am for walkies, dogs are great for forcing you to stick to a routine. I do work but from home and at a much lesser rate since thyroid removed, it was a career wrecking operation. I bull doze as best i can through the day, i do get fatigued but also feel wired and stressed a lot. Not working is not an option so i just have to deal with it. When i hit a brick wall, i shake, cry and feel really ill, thankfully the bad crashes are only 3-4 a year. I have had a really bad 6 weeks and prompted by your response went to local chemist in france and asked for 10mg over the counter, they are great here, really helpful and gave me 50x10mg so fingers crossed I will be feeling more level in next week.

I read but dont post on the adrenal fb page as they are a little too militant for me and i worry about people dabbling with HC DHEA and all the other stuff without proper testing but thats just me :)

I am interested in any advice or things that have helped you, i prefer peoples own experience to published papers, as it was the experience of others that helped get me on track with t3, i cant tolerate t4.

I use serenity natural progesterone cream, I am 58 so my levels are very low and estrogen dominant. Even pre menopause my progesterone was low, as all hormones are linked, i wish i knew all this stuff 10 years ago. Having been super fit all my life, it never occurred to me that drs would be no use once i needed one!

I will send pm as would deff like to connect, my drs are very limited in knowledge but have always been happy to test for me when i ask, as long as they dont have to interpret results!

I do have 2 mercury fillings I will leave them for now but if/when they need replacing i will have non mercury ones, the dentist is a huge stressor for me.

Yes the adrenal stuff is even more challenging than the thyroid stuff and tbh i get sick of reading stuff, when im well there is no problem and when im really ill and in the middle of a stressful crash i cant absorb anything.

Freea profile image

Hi Yennn, I came across your post and it has been 3 years since you asked this question about Paul Robinson CT3 protocol. Have you found success with it?I am in NDT and was looking at Dr Peatfields protocol of stopping NDT for 6-10 days and adding adrenal glandula to support adrenals and then adding NDT to see if this helps get me on track! If this does not work I will have to start saliva cortisol testing and will start looking at HC which I know you have been using from What I read in your post. I would really like to know what you have found 3years later 😁

Kind regards Freea❤️

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