I've been taking my t3 as a ct3m dose. I am gaining weight. Could the ct3m method be to blame? I even have developed cellulites on my arms! 😔
I've been taking my t3 as a ct3m dose. I am gaining weight. Could the ct3m method be to blame? I even have developed cellulites on my arms! 😔
Without more information, I doubt anybody could answer your question.
How much T3 are you taking? And, when you say 'taking it as ct3m dose', what exactly do you mean? What time are you taking it? How many times a day, etc.? Do you have recent labs you can post?
Am taking 15 t3. I take 10 2 hours before wake up that's the ct3m dose. Recent labs Ft3 5.5 (3.6-6.3)
Ft4 16 (12-22).
I think that, to do ct3m successfully, you have to follow the full protocol, not just the early morning dose. But, I very much doubt that taking T3 early morning is causing you to put on weight. More likely that you're under-medicated. Are you also taking levo? Did you get your TSH tested?