Surgical menopause and maybe diagnosed wrong? - Thyroid UK

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Surgical menopause and maybe diagnosed wrong?

Port12344 profile image
19 Replies

Hi this is my first time posting here and I hope someone can shed some light on my situation. I had surgical menopause over a year ago and struggled to find a HRT that suited. I eventually got one an estrogen gel and have been using this for about 5 months. I was referred to an endocrinologist because I couldn't manage my menopausal symptoms eg. heart palpitations, night sweats and weight gain.

From bloods he diagnosed me as hypo and having low B12. He started me on 25mg eltroxin and 5 injections of B12.

My bloods were tsh 1.17 (.27-4.20)

free t4 11.2 (12-22)

b12 174 (197-771)

folate 8.7 (4.5-20)

vit d 47

Few weeks ago had bloods done again after being on eltroxin for one month and the tests showed

tsh 1.430 (.27-4.2)

free t4 13.3 (12-22)

free t3 5.0 (3.1-6.8)

folate 10.3 (3.0-26.8)

b12 1634 (197-771)

I feel horrendous on the eltroxin, weight gain, no energy, aches and pain all over my body especially my back.

Do you think I am hypo as I feel that the eltroxin is making me worse?

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Port12344 profile image
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19 Replies
Mouldyoledoll profile image

I’m in the same situation to you in regards to surgical menopause & I have Hashimotos Autoimmune disease. I have no answers for you I’m afraid, it’s a minefield, as symptoms seems to cross over between the Meno & the Thyroid crap! I to am on estrogen gel. Have the tested you for Hashis? And do you know your estrogen levels? Your FT4 isn’t particularly high. I wish you well, I’m fed up with it all to be honest

Port12344 profile image
Port12344 in reply to Mouldyoledoll

Hi Mouldyoledoll my oestrogen is 254 (91-553). My antibodies were 13.3 (12-22). I totally understand how you are feeling. I skipped the eltroxin yesterday just to see if it made any changes and I had loads more energy. Im going to try get an earlier appointment for the endo as I can't live like this .

Nikkilps profile image
Nikkilps in reply to Port12344

Hi, I had a surgical menopause at 28 so I feel your pain ! Ideally they should be aiming to get your oestrogen to over 400 mmol to prevent any menopause symptoms affecting you and your level does look low, You might like to think about seeing a menopause specialist at a menopause clinic, Gps are hopeless at the detail needed to get this right, and have a look at the daisy network if you haven’t already, surgical menopause is not the same as a natural one it is far more acute in its physical effects - it might be sensible to get your oestrogen levels in tip top shape and then see how your thyroid and meds are after the menopause effects have been knocked out of the park so to speak, hope this helps!


magsyh profile image
magsyh in reply to Nikkilps

Please read my reply regarding estrogen, uping your levels is throwing fuel on the fire! X

Mouldyoledoll profile image
Mouldyoledoll in reply to Port12344

I agree with Nikkilps, your estrogen level isn’t very high, the trouble is, GPS tend to go by the blood test levels that are set out for older ladies who are post menopausal, ( I don’t know how old you are) but us surgical ladies do not fit into that category, and Nik is right, surgical Meno is a completely different ballgame to natural, as it literally happens overnight! There is a Meno clinic at the Chelsea & Westminster hospital run my A Nick Pannay, ask to be referred by your GP if they won’t up your E gel. Which gel are you using? I’m on Sandrena, and how many mg? And in regards to your Levothyroxine, 25mg is a tiny starter dose, that could be upped, but unfortunately, estrogen can also affect the absorption of thyroid hormones, so it’s a catch 22, it’s a bloody nightmare

magsyh profile image
magsyh in reply to Mouldyoledoll

Please read my reply regarding estrogen x

magsyh profile image

Ok a few things here. Firstly your estrogen levels are now high because of the HRT. You have no progesterone to balance it. These idiot doctors say oh no you now have no womb therefore you dont need progesterone to protect your womb. That is utter rubbish! You need progesterone for every cell in your body and your thyroid wont function without it that is why so many menopausal women are hypo. Were your ovaries removed? You need to insist on progesterone levels to be tested and you need a p:e2 ratio. If nhs wont do this you can buy a saliva testing kit for £80 on amazon. Results come from germany. Tell nhs you want utrogestan or prometrium as its natural dont accept their chemical stuff as it can cause breast cancer as hrt it will also make your thyroid worse. With these high levels of estrogen you are blocking your thyroid function. You have higher levels of t3 now but its pooling in your blood due to low ferritin and folate. Your b12 is high but your folate is too low these 2 need to be balanced. Your t4 dose is too low as your t4 is too low and your tsh is still too high. You need a dose increase but until your blood levels of vitamins and progdsterone are ok you will feel bad. Your vit d is also too low. If your t4 dose is too low its shutting your natural thyroid function down but your dose isnt high enough to compensate. So many women are left in a bad state of hormone balance after hysterectomy because of the poor knowledge of doctors. If your progesterone levels were good you most likely wouldnt need the estrogen. By using that you are throwing fuel on the fire! Its all on a big roundabout. The sudden hysterectomy has shocked your adrenals. You need the progesterone to support and heal them. You need much higher levels of vitd as this too is the hormone that converts cholesterol. Its complicated and docs, even endos dont have a clue. Any further help needed pm me x

magsyh profile image
magsyh in reply to magsyh

Estrogen will also block your thyroxine or ndt! A higher dose is required

Mouldyoledoll profile image
Mouldyoledoll in reply to magsyh

Not every lady can tolerate progesterone

magsyh profile image
magsyh in reply to Mouldyoledoll

If you cant tolerate natural progesterone there is an adreanal problem

Port12344 profile image
Port12344 in reply to magsyh

How do I go about getting this sorted. This is all so new to me I haven't a clue

magsyh profile image
magsyh in reply to Port12344

Like i explained in my first reply. One thing at a time. Do you mind me asking how old you are? Get all your vitamins right. Check your iron and ferritin levels if they are not high enough your t4 will convert to rt3 or your t3 will pool and make you feel bad. Looks like yours are pooling, get ferritin checked and iron asap! Its complicated and not an overnight fix. Dont give up your levo, you need it

Mouldyoledoll profile image
Mouldyoledoll in reply to magsyh

Some can’t because of severe PMS type symptoms, and then have to have removal of the ovaries to stop this, I agree tho, that in cases not such as what I stated above, **natural** progesterone ( or estrogen for that matter) is far better than synthetic , and preferably not the oral route

magsyh profile image
magsyh in reply to Mouldyoledoll

I use mine transdermal. Pms is caused by fluctuating estrogen mainly and drop in progesterone. I use low dose progesterone every day because i couldn't tolerate PMS my progesterone now sits at a steady 2.4. before it was 0.2! Remove your ovaries and its deeper trouble. Your adrenals have to take over. I refused a hysterectomy when they said yes we will remove your ovaries too coz afterall you font need them. I told them to get on their bike!

Port12344 profile image

How do I bring up my folate levels. I've tried progesterone and can't tolerate it

magsyh profile image
magsyh in reply to Port12344

Methylfolate tablets

Port12344 profile image

I'm 42. My iron is 15.6 which I'm told is high and my ferritin is 72

magsyh profile image

Iron is slightly high ferritin could be higher at least 80 is ideal. Cortisol could be a problem if your progesterone too low. Id ask to have it tested. Problem being at 42 dont expect to have high estrogen levels and have no side effects. Your body has to get used to normal low levels with your adrenals as back up. Hysterectomy doesnt allow for this adjustment you have to find a good knowledgable dr who will care enough to work with you. Unfortunately they think they have done their bit but the after care and hormonal balance is the most important

Port12344 profile image

How do I bring up ferritin and stop haemoglobin levels rising at the same time. I was told was bad to have too much haemoglobin.

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