Hello guys,
Could someone please look at my blood test results and tell me if there’s any issue? I am desperate.
Long story short, I am a 29 year old female, I have Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. I can’t lose weight, in spite strict diet and regular exercise (dance cardio or walking on a treadmill + weightlifting 5 times a week).
In 2014, I had a TSH blood test done. My TSH was 3,25 UI/mL (lab reference 0,27 - 4,20). I wasn’t diagnosed with Hypothyroidism then. However, I was already pretty fat and tired all the time.
In May 2017, I stopped taking my birth control pills. A blood test I had taken after quitting my birth control pills showed my TSH was 4,29 uUI/mL (lab reference: 0,27 - 4,20) so I asked my doctor to run a full thyroid panel.
In July 2017, my TSH raised to 5,37. You can see my blood test results down below.
Thyroglobulin Antibody: 72,40 UI/mL (lab refrences <115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody: 11,90 UI/mL (<34)
Free T3: 3,34 pg/mL (2,30 - 4,50) OR 5,13 pmol/L (3,50 - 6,90)
Free T4: 1,06 ng/dl (1,00-1,60) OR 14 pmol/L (13-21)
TSH: 5,37 (0,27 - 4,20)
TSH Receptor Antibody: 0,4 UI/L (<1,75)
I then saw an endocrinologist who said I had subclinical hyperthyroidism and put me on 50 mg of Levothyroxine. By the time I got diagnosed, I weighted 116,4 kgs. My doctor told me to follow a diet, to lose the weight.
3 months later, I was able to lose 1,5 kg. I only did the diet and no exercise. I had another blood test done. My TSH went down to 3,12 but my doctor wasn’t satisfied. He said it wasn’t well balanced, so he prescribed 62,5 mg of Levothyroxine. I had and still have to split a 125 mg pill of Levothyroxine in half. That seemed to do the trick. In March 2018, my TSH went down to 2,89. However, thyroglobulin antibodies went up: 336,70 UI/mL (lab references: <115). You can see the full blood test below.
Thyroglobulin Antibody: 336,70 UI/mL (lab refrences <115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody: 11,10 UI/mL (<34)
Free T3: 3,29 pg/mL (2,30 - 4,50) OR 5,05 pmol/L (3,50 - 6,90)
Free T4: 1,17 ng/dl (1,00-1,60) OR 15 pmol/L (13-21)
TSH: 2,89 (0,27 - 4,20)
My weight loss stopped and I started gaining weight again. By May 2018, I had gained 7,1 kgs. As a result, I weighted 122 kgs.
I quit eating gluten then and started taking curcuma with black pepper, in hopes of reducing my antibodies.
In June 2018, my anti-thyroglobulin antibodies went down to 302,00. My TSH went down to 1,65. You can see the rest of the blood test results down below.
Thyroglobulin Antibody: 302,00 UI/mL (lab refrences <115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody: 10,40 UI/mL (<34)
Free T3: 3,31 pg/mL (2,30 - 4,50) OR 5,08 pmol/L (3,50 - 6,90)
Free T4: 1,35 ng/dl (1,00-1,60) OR 17 pmol/L (13-21)
TSH: 1,65 (0,27 - 4,20)
I changed the doctor as I wasn’t satisfied with my old one, and the new doctor prescribed me a stricter diet. In her opinion, I wasn’t eating enough protein. By doing vigorous exercise and following her diet, I was able to lose 6 kgs in 6-7 months, just to gain almost 2 kgs back during the holiday season just now (I allowed myself to eat fancy food on Christmas and New Year’s Eve).
I haven’t done another blood test since June 2018 but I will soon. My doctor is refusing to test anything except TSH though. Well, both of my doctors refused to do those blood tests. Every time I had a full thyroid panel ran, it was either my family doctor or gynecologist who prescribed it.
Problem is, it takes me like 2 months to lose 1 kg but I am extremely obese so I have to lose about 45 kgs. I weigh 117,3 kgs at the moment. If I stop eating according to what my nutritionist prescribed me, I gain weight immediately. This has been a problem all of my life. If I exercise regularly, my extreme fatigue seems to get better. However, I’m still losing hair. Strangely, the hair on my face (upper lip, for example) seems to be growing excessively since I have started taking Levothyroxine. I do experience fatigue, and even brain fog or difficulty concentrating occasionally.
I live in France, and I have no idea if some other thyroid medicine is available here.
It would mean the world to me if someone could have a look at everything and tell me if there’s any problem with my thyroid that might be interfering with my weight loss.
Thank you. I’m so desperate.