Hi everyone, I posted a while back about possible undiagnosed Hypothyroidism and had some really helpful and interesting advice (thanks again). However I am still continuing to have many persistent symptoms, which I suspect could be related to a Hypothyroidism, but then again have my doubts - this is mainly because I tend to lose weight really easily and quickly (but also gain easily).
My main symptoms that have been ongoing for many years are:
Memory problems/poor concentration
Dry eyes
Acid reflux/slow digestion
Anxiety and depression
Hair thinning
Weak, bendy nails
More recently, ectopics (diagnosed by cardio pulmonary exercise test)
I don't have dry skin or as mentioned before, difficulty losing weight. My B12 is within normal range, but my iron and calcium levels are sometimes low. TSH and T4 always come back as 'normal'.
I would appreciate any advice in relation to Thyroid disorders and what type mine could relate to. Also is it possible to be Hypothyroid and not have difficulty losing weight?
Thanks in advance
These were my last Thyroid blood test results: Serum TSH 1.15 ml (normal range 0.34 - 5.6) and T4 level 9.30 pmol (7.5 - 21.1). As expected, GP said they were 'normal', but to me they look on the low end of normal.