After my latest test results I've accepted that my symptoms will be treated but not my thyroid. To be fair to my gp, she did all the tests including anti bodies and T3 and they show nothing that indicates a thyroid problem. I'm convinced there is one but I'll just have to be further down the line before it shows up on blood work. Can anyone help with any of the following?
GERD - I've been taking omaprezole for over 3 years. I'm pretty sure now that this isn't good and could be causing it's own problems so I'll try to come off it. I'll need to regulate my stomach acid in some way - any ideas?
PAIN - I finished chemo 4 years ago and was left with peripheral neuropathy. I take amitryptaline which I'm going to continue. I may be able to reduce it at some point.
Vitamin/Mineral levels - I'll get these retested in October, 6 months after stopping all my supplements.
Asthma and Eczema - I'll continue with medications for these.
Dry eyes - I have hylo-forte drops prescribed
Hip/back pain and tendonitis - I finally have an appointment for physio
Fatigue - Gp has referred me for 'Lifestyle Management'! I guess she thinks my attitude needs adjusting
High Cholesterol - With a level of 12.7 statins are being pushed. I'm resisting!
Dizziness - nothing can help apparently.
Tinnitus - no help here either
Missing outer eyebrows - nor here
High blood pressure - medicated and under control
Swollen thyroid on one side - not important apparently
Weight gain - eat less move more
Constipation - medication offered
I suspect hashimotos but have no idea where to start with diet and lifestyle changes to help. All pointers gratefully received, thanks
(In case it's relevant I'm post menopausal, post cancer treatment - 4 years and sick of being told this is all normal)
EDITED TO ADD - Test results April 2018 - TSH 1.3(0.2-4.5) FT4 13(9-21) B12 755(180-2000) Folate 16.8(2.8-20) Vit D 92(25-162)
Test results July 2018 - Total T3 1.5(0.9-2.4) FT3 3.4(2.5-4.9) Anti Thyroid Peroxidase 41.8(0-100)