Hello I am new to this forum. My history is highly suspected Hypothyroidism. For 4 years I have been experiencing all the typical symptoms, hair loss and depression being obvious signs.
I’ve had extensive blood testing privately and have also consulted with my GP over the years.
I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue syndrome in 2016. I had glandular fever in my 20’s I’m now 36.
My latest blood results I have listed below. I would appreciate your thoughts in terms of whether or not I am actually ‘hypo’ ? What I can do to increase my levels of T4. I am aware I have high inflammation which is why my iron is low.
TSH 2.13
T4 85.3
FT3 4.77
TgAB 12.6
TPoAb 9
Iron serum 8.86
Ferritin 142
TIBC 41.66
UIBC 32.8
Transferrin saturation 21.27
Folate 23.5
Vitamin D 109
I’ve also started with rosacea about 6 months ago, does anyone know if this is linked to low thyroid?
Many Thanks