Hello all,
I have been suffering with multiple symptoms for a couple of years and my doctor is not taking me seriously and has been fobbing me off. My symptoms come and go (I have 'flare ups') but often match those of a thyroid problem. My TSH is always normal in NHS tests, but in desperation I took a private thyroid test (no GP consultation included) and these are the results:
T4 89 nmoL/L 59 - 154
TSH 1.77 mIU/L 0.27 - 4.2
FT4 15.6 pmol/l 12.0 - 22.0
FT3 4.5 pmol/L 3.1 - 6.8
Thyroglobulin Antibodies 234.5 IU/mL 0 - 115
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 265.2 IU/mL 0 - 34
Does anyone have any idea what this means? I am of course going back to my doctor, but am wondering if anyone else has encountered results such as these before?
Thank you so much.