I’m looking for some advice.
As you know from my previous posts I have Hashimoto’s, I’m gluten and dairy free.
March I was started on Levothyroxine by my GP as my Endocrinologist refused to give me Levothyroxine and said no medication would help.
Thinking there was no hope and after one GP within my surgery told me it was anxiety, and I had been misinformed about Hashimoto’s, I resided that this was how life was going to be.
Anyway, after feeling very ill I went to my allocated GP, took bloods and immediately contacted me to see him.
Results below
TSH 12.2 (0.27-4.5)
Antibodies 160 (<34), had increased.
T3 4.12 (3.1-6.8)
T4 10.2 (11-23)
I was started on 50 mcg of Levothyroxine.
April results:
TSH 4.1 (0.27-4.5)
T3 4.51 (3.1-6.8)
T4 14.2 (11.0-23)
Increased to 75mcg of Levothyroxine
May results:
TSH 1.6 (0.27-4.5)
T3 4.58 (3.1-6.8)
T4 17.4 (11.0-23.0)
Now Upped to 100 mcg of Levothyroxine.
I went to see my GP yesterday to discuss my results and also the fact the I’ve had two kidney blood tests (one before I started Levothyroxine) that they came back borderline.
Having done further research about my kidney results, it’s appears it all to do with metabolism and thyroid function, I mentioned this to my GP.
He didn’t disregard what I was saying, but, said the results don’t take into account weight as I’m I am slim he isn’t worried.
I then got on the subject of my thyroid results, he started by saying they are in range, I interpreted him and reminded him that my TSH needs to be 1 or below and T4, T3 higher end, as per his words, he agreed.
I then asked him to look at all my results that my TSH and T4 was improving a lot faster than my T3.
I asked what his thoughts were on T3 and was it correct that IF I needed T3 he is not permitted to prescribe me this.
He said that was correct, that an Endocrinologist could only do this and all his patients that have seen an Endocrinologist have never needed to add T3.
He did say that T4 converts to T3 anyway.
He asked how I was feeling, and I explained that my anxiety was getting better, not brilliant, but, I am absolutely worn out in the mornings despite me having a good nights sleep with no broken sleep, I said I struggle in the morning (last week I couldn’t get out of bed) and in the evening I’m struggling.
My body temperature is still low in the morning ( I take it everyday) it was 36.0 degrees now 36.4/ 36.3 since increased to 100mcg.
I am still feeling cold, not like ice cold water running through my veins, but still cold.
He seemed to disregard the T3, I’m due another blood test in four weeks time to see how the 100mcg of Levothyroxine is doing, with a view to increase to 125mcg of Levothyroxine, but, I am convinced I need T3.
I’ve also noticed, I’m putting weight on, it’s creeping up a couple of pounds a week. I have done nothing different at all.
I’m not overweight but, I’ve struggled all my life with weight and lost a lot after my son was born through healthy eating.
I was also bullied at school for being overweight, so as you can appreciate I hate weight gain. I have not mentioned this to my GP.
I can’t seem to understand that Levothyroxine is suppose to increase metabolism but I’m gaining weight, my weight pattern is worse now on Levothyroxine.
feel like I’ve been up all night and freezing cold. I’m suffering with neck stiffness and muscle stiffness. I’ve been massaging coconut oil at night and this has helped, but still feel like a old woman in the morning.
I’m yawning constantly, which is embarrassing when your taking to people, it looks like your disinterested, and I sometimes can’t cope with normal situations, if I get busy at work.
Should I add some T3?, I’ve just got a copy of Paul Robinson book, started reading it last night, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open and nothing would register.
I’m stick of this feeling how long do I leave it.
Best Wishes