I messed up my last post so trying again (sorry to greygoose and Beads who replied to my first attempt!
After my previous results, at my annual thyroid check with GP, of extremely low TSH and v high T4 I was told to reduce my levothyroxine. I’ve retested with Monitor My Health and looking at my new results I think I’ve missed my sweet spot.
- TSH 0.44 ( 0.27 - 4.2) - 4.3% through range. - T4 13.6 (12 - 22) 16% through range. - T3 4.4 (3.1 - 6.8) 35% through range
I followed the protocols for testing
Current meds
10mcg liothyronine (privately sourced)
Alternate days of 75mcg / 100 mcg levothyroxine
I also take the common supplements (vit D, B complex etc)
Current symptoms - the T3 has made a big difference & I feel better on it. The biggest current symptoms are ongoing and increasing anxiety and the thyroid tiredness keeps creeping in.
My GP is aware that I take T3, not exactly supportive
Has anyone got any advice on what adjustments I should make?