I’m just thinking ahead of myself, and with my freezing cold symptoms will I need to add T3?
I’m on 75mcg of Levothyroxine and due a blood test in a few weeks for a further increase with my GP.
I’ve been feeling better, but, it appears my body has got use to this dosage.
I’ve noticed in the mornings I’m freezing cold, this went away, but, now it’s returned with vengeance. I’m wearing pyjamas and socks in bed.
I’ve been taking my temperature in the mornings and it’s 36.1 -36.3. I’ve also noticed my heart rate is 63, (always low)
Here are my results
March 2018 (no medication)
TSH 12.2 (0.27-4.5)
Free T4 10.2 (11.0-23.0)
Free T3 4.12 (3.1-6.8)
With those results started on 50mcg of Levothyroxine
April 2018 (on 50mcg of Levothyroxine)
TSH 4.1 (0.27-4.5)
Free T4 14.2 (11.0-23.0)
Free T3 4.51 (3.1-.8)
With those results GP increased to 75mcg, I’m due another blood test in a few weeks.
I’ve read that it’s T3 that increase metabolism and Levothyroxine doesn’t contain this. I’ve also read GP’s don’t prescribe T3, it’s got to come from an Endocrinologist?
I did see one privately and he diagnosed me with Hashimoto’s, but said no medication would help, he was absolutely useless. Which is when I turned to this forum for help.
I got very ill and went to my allocated GP, who was very cross at the Endocrinologist for not putting me on Levothyroxine and leaving me.
I’m gluten and dairy free.
All my vitamin levels are fine as that one thing the Endocrinologist concentrated on, the only thing!!!.
Obviously, I’ll post my 3rd blood results for advice, but, just wondered if it’s the T3 that deals with your body temperatures?
I would be willing to purchase privately if needs be, if this didn’t work go onto NDT. At the moment I still want to try Levothyroxine and go the NHS route.
I appreciate it’s hard to advise before my 3rd blood results, but just wanted clarification on what T3 does so I’m armed with the information when I see my GP.
Can any one PM me to a reliable supplier of T3 should I need it please.
Best wishes