Hello, I'd be really grateful if those of you who understand blood results could take a look at my recent results attached and advise if I have any scope for increasing T3. I am on 75mcg Levo and 5mcg Liothyronine per day. I have put on 10lb in weight over the last year, have a lot of aches and pains right hip, right shoulder, migraine, dry skin, my energy becomes depleted so quickly, I have no strength at all in my muscles. I must have looked a sight at Costco last night when an elderly gentleman asked if I needed any help lifting water into my trolley.. My symptoms improved when I started on T3 ( energy levels improved from having none to having a little/ teeth and gum problems cleared up.Private health care through work won't pay for me to see endo for "routine checkup" so am hoping I can get good advice on here, and then pay for a one off visit to him if need be to see if he will increase my meds/advise my GP to up my script. It was through private endo I got the T3 trial initially,I paid for a private prescription and then my GP agreed for me to have it on NHS. I am worried if I ask to see the NHS endo they might stop my T3. Now I am just wondering if there is scope to increase T3 from 5 mcg?. When at the doctors last week for sore throat he looked at my results and said the creatinine was high so I had another test for this yesterday. I don't know what high creatinine means.
Thank you for your patience and time reading this, regards mcooper
Serum TSH level 0.29 mIU/L Range 0.27 - 4.20 mIU/L
Serum Free T3 level 4 pmol/L Range 3.10 - 6.80 pmol/L
Serum Sodium 143 mmol /L Range 133.00 - 146.00
Serum Potassium 3.9 mmol/L Range 3.50 - 5.30
Serum Urea Level 6.9 mmol/L Range 2.50 - 7.8
Serum Creatinine high consider early repeat - 88 umol/l Range 44.00 - 80.00 umol
Serum folate normal 4.6 ug/L Range 3.90 - 20.oo ug/L
Serum Ferritin normal 53 ug/L Range 13.00 - 150.00 ug/L
Serum Vit B 12 374 ng/l Range 197.00 - 771.00 ng/l
Serum Albumin 43 g/l Range 35.00 - 50.00 g/l
Serum Calcium 2.21 mmol/L Range 2.15 - 2.55 mmol/l
Serum adjusted calcium conc 2.27 mmol/L Range 2.20 - 2.60 mmol/L
Serum 25 - HO Vit D3 Level - Normal 56 nmol/L Range 50.00 - 140.00
Tympaninc Temperature 37 Degrees C