Non-cyclical Breast Pain/ Mastalgia & Hypothyro... - Thyroid UK

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Non-cyclical Breast Pain/ Mastalgia & Hypothyroidism: supplementing with Iodine, Progesterone, etc.

Abi-Abster profile image
19 Replies

I’ve had a search through this forum and found a few posts regarding links between breast and thyroid issues.

I take 75mcg T3 and 75mcg T4. You may remember my last blood tests (posted here late last year) which made my GP cross, as they showed I’d gone and self-medicated with T3 - despite him saying I was within range and so he wouldn’t give me any. Needless to say, in the 6+ months I’ve been taking it T3’s changed my life. I couldn’t thank you ladies more!

The latest news is that I had a mammogram and ultrasound at the Breast Clinic this week, which thankfully confirmed I’m cancer-free. I have no cysts to speak of, but I am suffering from extreme pain, starting within my breasts, travelling across my chest, as well as down from underneath my armpits to my elbows and up and over my shoulders to my neck and shoulderblades.

I was given a diagnosis of Mastalgia/ non-cyclical breast Pain (so it’s constant and has nothing to do with my monthly cycle). This is essentially untreatable, bar taking Evening Primrose Oil and ultimately maybe even a course of Tamoxifen.

So I now have a debilitating breast condition that the Consultant said is not easily resolved, and often so painful that he’s had women in my situation begging him for mastectomies - even though they’re cancer-free.

Anyway, all in perspective (which is why I think he gave me the good and bad news on the same sentence!), but still, it’s clearly another condition I’m on my own in treating. Hopefully with a little help from you knowledgeable folks!

I have been massaging topically with various oils, am upping my oral fish/ Evening Primrose/ Flaxseed/ MCT oils to get my GLA and other levels up as recommended by the breast clinic.

I read on this forum that iodine supplements might help breast issues with links to the thyroid, but I thought iodine shouldn’t be taken together with Levothyroxine or Liothyronine? I also can’t currently afford a blood test to ascertain my iodine levels.

I also read someone mention here that too much oestrogen could also be a contributing factor to breast pain. So what about applying topical progesterone cream? We only have weak stuff here in the U.K. but it’s a start and I’m desperate. Apart from anything else I’m a yoga teacher, so I need to be able to move my upper body or I’ll be out of a job!

Please advise on what supplements/ treatments I could take considering my thyroid medication.

Many thanks,


PS: I’m 41 so am nearing the perimenopause. I expect this is linked to my mastalgia since apparently the most common ages for breast pain occurrences lie between 40 and 50 years old.

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Abi-Abster profile image
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19 Replies
The_will_of_Jill profile image

I've been wondering about this myself. I've had breast pain in both, but mainly my left breast for years now. Last two times had checked, its determined that its not cancer. Was told for years quitting caffeine would help. Recently heard about using iodine and found that it does help.. quite a bit! I too am concerned about using iodine supplementation with my hypothyroid condition. Cannot afford the blood work. Will be trying to get hold of some Lugols for a patch test next month. some say patch test isn't reliable.. but others seem to think it's worth doing.

I continue to read contradictory information on iodine supplementation with/for hypothyroidism. Currently am alternating days with one day of a kelp capsule from Oregon's Wild harvest brand. (Im in USA) its got 400mcg of iodine from kelp and 600mcg of organic kelp thallus. Then I take 226mcg of liquid potassium iodide from the health food store Eidon Ionic Minerals brand. Dont know how long I will continue with this. I know I shoud have done the patch test first but am doing the best I can manage. Went to T3 only for a month, and felt much better than I had in years, but ran out and haven't been well.

Anyway.. Ive been told by someone I trust that kelp form of iodine is much less harsh or strong than the other kind I have.. but I have experienced that the iodide kind helps the pain more. She believes in taking iodine in kelp form in other words, but not as potassium iodide. She and I have not discussed taking it for breast pain only for thyroid health supplementation.

Dont know if this was of any help to you at all, but I will be following to see what others say.

Im sorry you are suffering so much. mine is mainly in left breast and left arm. Congratulations on your progress with hormone replacement treatment. I did not see your post last year (I dont think).. but will check it now.. am in similar situation with mine.

Good luck to you!

The_will_of_Jill profile image
The_will_of_Jill in reply to The_will_of_Jill

PS I just remembered that I forgot to mention eating a raw organic carrot every day (I eat mine first thing in the morning) helps absorb excess estrogen. I also apply some Bio-Identical progesterone cream (Organic Excellence Brand) that I buy from a grocery store geared towards healthy living called Sprouts. Directions on the back. Im 46.. my mother started her menopause at 49.

You should look up the raw carrot thing.

Abi-Abster profile image
Abi-Abster in reply to The_will_of_Jill

Thanks Jill for taking the time to write these thorough replies.

Yes, I’m 41 (no HRT - you must have me mixed up with someone else?!) and have had a blood test which shows I’m not perimenopausal yet, but I guess I’m heading down that route. Especially as Breast Pain is often caused by excess oestrogen. Yup, I’m definitely getting out of balance.

Didn’t know that about carrot 🥕 I love carrots and we always have them in our organic delivery box, so this is great.

I would love to try progesterone cream - been reading a lot about it - but we don’t really have any decent formulas available over the counter in the U.K.

However, my husband’s in Vegas this week for work, so maybe I can ask him to bring me back some progesterone cream. If he can’t find Organic Excellence, which brands would you suggest, and what should he be looking for in a progesterone cream for me?

I will look into Kelp supplementation. Thanks for pointing me in that direction, and I hope you can get your hands on some T3 soon.

All the best,


The_will_of_Jill profile image
The_will_of_Jill in reply to Abi-Abster

Sorry for the mix up. I meant to say Thyroid hormone replacement, not hormone replacement therapy. I have severe brain fog, its my biggest struggle in life.

I was referring to something else you had said about success with T3.

Anyway.. I did some research a few months ago about using natural progesterone cream and came to the conclusion that I would only use organic.

Sorry I dont have more info but you can and should research it before using.

G2G2 profile image

I'd be very cautious taking iodine. Unlikely you're deficient since there's iodine in T3 & T4, in addition to what you're getting in your diet. If you have Hashimoto's, iodine will raise antibodies.

Abi-Abster profile image
Abi-Abster in reply to G2G2

I don’t have Hashimotos, just standard Hypothyroidism, but the iodine - Breast Pain link keeps coming up in my research, so I’m not sure what to think/ do: it seems to make a whole heap of difference to many people with the same condition (admittedly not all of them are on thyroid meds)!

LuckyKat profile image

There is a lot of information here re the benefits of iodine:

Abi-Abster profile image
Abi-Abster in reply to LuckyKat

Thanks for this. I’ve been reading similar claims.

My issue is that I just don’t know for sure if there’s any negative interaction between T3 & T4 thyroid meds and iodine, and if they’re safe to take together. I seem to have read conflicting information. Argh!

Kell-E profile image
Kell-E in reply to Abi-Abster

I think that the iodine caution is mainly for the autoimmune thyroid conditions. It causes the diseased thyroid to make more hormone which is released when antibodies attack, making the dying-cell releases more intense.

Abi-Abster profile image
Abi-Abster in reply to Kell-E

Thanks Kell-E.

...So this should mean it’s OK to use iodine supplements if you have classic Hypothyroidism rather than Hashis?

Or are there still contraindications?

I’ve been on thyroid meds (Levothyroxine) for 15- 20 years, and I was under the impression there were issues taking iodine with all Hypothyroid conditions. But I’m not sure where I picked that up from - or if it still stands! Research/ findings can change considerably in a decade or two...

Kell-E profile image
Kell-E in reply to Abi-Abster

The only argument I've seen is the autoimmune one. Oh, and the argument that we all have plenty and don't need it, yeah sure.

A consideration is that iodine affects selenium, so it is important to make sure you have enough of both if you supplement.

Abi-Abster profile image
Abi-Abster in reply to Kell-E

Gotcha. Thanks Kell-E, I have some selenium somewhere, so will dig it out. And buy some Kelp Iodine as Jill suggested.



Bluedragon profile image

Hi, I had a mammogram recently and had very sore boobs afterwards! I do have fibrocystic breasts anyhow- sore, tender and lumpy albeit not all time. I made myself some balm for an assignment (herbal student) which has helped with the deep pain. So, a herbalist could help you.

A castor oil pack - Google will tell you how- will be great for you.

Plants that have a lymphatic action- violet and cleavers for example. Cleavers (Galium aparine) will be coming up soon- sticky plants - make a cold tea of these( soak cold water overnight) and drink.


Abi-Abster profile image
Abi-Abster in reply to Bluedragon

Thanks Jo, and sorry to hear about your sore breasts too: those mammograms are so uncomfortable when you’re already in pain!

So, I am massaging/ doing lymphatic drainage with CBD balm (incl anti-inflammatories, frankincense etc), and also with Evening Primrose Oil for skin. It’s helping, but not enough!

Will look into Cleavers too. Thank you, and good luck in your herbal course!

Clarrisa profile image

I believe I've read more than once flaxseed can stimulate estrogen so I avoid it. I've found acupuncture helpful.

Abi-Abster profile image
Abi-Abster in reply to Clarrisa

Thanks Clarissa, a Flaxseed -oestrogen link is the kind of thing I need to know! Very useful comment.

Yes, acupuncture is definitely on my To Do List, along with seeing our Cranial Osteopath and someone for a Lymphatic massage. I’m glad you’ve found it helpful. Good news!

Thanks for your reply :-)

mourneadventurer profile image

It would be worth doing a 24 hour urine Iodine Test. After T4 monotheraphy for 28 years supposedly receiving enough daily Iodine I was surprised to find that my levels were less tha half of what they should’ve been! I’ve since retested biannually and supplement ensuring good Selenium levels are in place first. Then I went in search of what was causing my levels to drop.

Best Wishes

Abi-Abster profile image
Abi-Abster in reply to mourneadventurer

Thanks for this - I’m assuming your protocol’s working and you’re on the up these days? Hope so!

I have ME/ CFS like you, and also Fibromyalgia. What selenium supplements and Iodine supplements would you recommend?

Also, who did you do your 24hr Iodine urine test through? I’m already needing to do a full thyroid and vitamin/ mineral level blood test to keep abreast of where I am at the moment, and can’t afford that: always hard to know what to prioritise when there are so many important health matters to spend money on!

mourneadventurer profile image

I take Seeking Health Iodine and Selenium and I think the 24hor Iodine Test was from Doctors Data. Given you and your families profile history have a serious look at SIBO small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or SIMO small intestinal mould overgrowth.

Working with a Functional Nutritionist has for me been a really good investment in our future.

Dr Sarah Myhill’s website looks at mitochondrial dysfunction and Dr Ben Lynch has just released a brilliant new book called Dirty Genes.

Best Wishes and keep digging.

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