Last weekend I ate lamb.
Having always had difficulty digesting it, I ate with trepidation.
Being wheat/ gluten/ soya etc.. intolerant I am much experienced in the results. I react within 20 minutes; I swell by about 6+3/4" around the abdomen, leaving me almost unable to breathe as my diaphragm has no space!
After eating a small amount I had mild discomfort, almost like one feels when very hungry?
However, within about 4 hours I started to feel rather bad, on the way to really bad...During the night I felt so very very bad I was beginning to weigh up the options; forcing myself to vomit...but I thought surely after so many hours (8hours) it must have passed from my stomach, do I did not. Hospital was not an option, being left in a corridor for hours would not help anybody.
My fingers swelled, my eyelids puffed up, I started sneezing constantly unable to stop, I had to scratch the back of my throat with my nails, my eyes started streaming...and I could not stop coughing and coughing and sweating profusely.
All I could think to do was drink as much water as I could.
The pain in my abdomen was the worst I have ever experienced, it made a wheat and gluten response, feel like a walk in the park.
The violent stabbing pains reached right up into my right ribcage almost under my arm.
It was only by 6am that I managed to go to the loo and pee; I think the slight release of pressure was enough to give some relief. I managed to go to sleep. When I woke some 5 hours later, though I was swollen to the size of a beached whale, the pain had abated.
I did not eat for the next 24 in order to allow everything to calm down.
I have since found on the internet that some folk react to the sugars in the meat of "grass fed animals".
If this is the case I am afraid I might also react to the beef bone broth I have been slaving over for days???
Has anybody else with food allergies had this response to lamb??? And can you take beef bone broth??
Thank you in advanced.
Poppy the 🐈