I've decided to order some Vitamin D tomorrow but only a small amount, as I will meet my new GP in mid-Feb. I've checked and this CCG does allow prescribing Vit D for deficiency - and I have the blood test as proof: Medichecks, 23 nmol/L (range 50-200).
I'm brainless this week, so just before I place the order, please check my thinking!
1. I need a "huge" loading dose, probably for some months, followed by a maintenance dose.
2. I should take Vit K and calcium at the same time... I'm going to leave those for now, because I'm brain-dead since Xmas and will take so long to work it out, that I won't buy any until after I've seen the GP anyway.
3. I should find softgel or drops because they absorb best.
4. Need to take with a fatty meal, again to maximise absorption.
5. Brand - from old threads here, I've picked up on Doctor's Best and Solgar, but didn't find any threads more recent than almost a year ago. Are these still recommended?
I've set a reminder on my phone "Vit D outdoors" for 11:45am every day - still capable of OK-ing the reminder and forgetting again(!) but generally I'm getting out there for 10-5 minutes, or if it's raining, sitting in the porch which has a big south-facing window.
I also saw on here that "Vit D aids the absorption of calcium from food and K2 directs it to bones and teeth rather than arteries and soft tissues." ... I have more problems in my arteries and soft tissues, none with bones/teeth as far as I know, so I'm not worried to add K2 in a hurry.
... So, for now I need to buy the loading dose, but only enough for a month (expecting to have it prescribed by then). My question: I'm thinking 5,000 IU or more... is that good? Must I get more than that? I don't mind taking tablets, it's a cashflow thing.
(Please don't get too complicated. I am thoroughly brainless! This is being a more active January than I need. I "cancel January" every year - no outings, less computer than usual and no looking at money, phone calls that aren't social, etc etc. It takes this to recover from Xmas otherwise I struggle to get back up to speed even by May/June. But things I can't put off have clustered this month plus all this new learning about thyroid, vitamin deficiencies etc and changing GP... overloaded! Therefore one thing at a time, meaning this one supplement is enough to work out for the time being.)