I have posted here a few times, so to bring you up to speed. I was diagnosed with Hashi's, the Endo put me on 150mcg straight away for 4 weeks, TSH went from 9.09 to 0.28, but I was feeling hyper. Changed to 125mcg, still felt hyper TSH still suppressed. Had a couple of ops (varicose veins, ACL), felt hyper, started with panic attacks - horrible ones requiring emergency help. Stopped taking Eutirox for 5 days then restarted on 75mcg, two and a half weeks ago. These are the results from a blood test last Saturday....
HDL COLESTEROL54 mg/dl 56.00 - 150.00 *Riesgo Moderado: 35 - 55
Alto Riesgo : < 35 LDL COLESTEROL98 mg/dl 1.00 - 129.00 Optimo : < 100
Moderado: 130 - 159
Alto : 160 - 189
Muy Alto: > 190 INMUNOLOGIAAnálisisResultado AnálisisUnidadRango de ReferenciaFuera del Rango
T3 LIBRE2.90 pg/ml 2.00 - 4.50
T4 LIBRE1.16 ng/dl 0.80 - 1.80
TSH ULTRASENSIBLE3.63 uUI/ml 0.50 - 5.00
ANTI TIROPEROXIDASA57.6 UI/ml 0.00 - 33.00 *
CORTISOL AM12.80 ug/dl 6.20 - 26.00 7 a 10 am
FERRITINA111 ng/ml 30.00 - 400.00
FOLATO4.90 ng/ml 3.00 - 25.00 Deficiencia moderada: 2.2-3.0
Deficiencia : <2.2 VITAMINA B12265 pg/ml 200.00 - 1000.00
My antibodies have gone down from 62.1 to 57.6. Would that be because I've tried to be gluten-free?
I have a meeting with my Endo tomorrow and was wondering what to do next....go up to 88mcg or 100? Do I need any supplements? Help and advice appreciated.