Finally got my GP to test my t3! Can anyone giv... - Thyroid UK

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Finally got my GP to test my t3! Can anyone give me any advice on my results? Thank u so much in advance.

Yennn profile image
42 Replies

Hi there,

Thank you for taking time to read my post.

Any info on my results would be amazing.

I finally got my Docs to check my thyroid panel.

My result are TSH 0.65 (0.35 - 5.00)

Free t4 13 (9 - 21.0) Total T3 1.1 (0.9-2.7)

Does that mean anything to anyone ?

Docs also called to say my lymphocytes were below low range at 1.2 (1.5-4.0)

Vit D is 51 (Vit d 25-50)

serum ferritin 41 (15-200)

b12 699 (200-900)

serum folate 7.3 (3.1 20)

Thanks much Yen

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42 Replies
shaws profile image

You have to add the ranges for the results. Labs differ so ranges are necessary for members to comment.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to shaws

Ahh Okies! Thanks!

Range for TSH is 0.35 5.00

T4 9 - 21.0

T3 the range is missing in my report.

Vit d 25-50

Serum ferritin 15-200

Serum folate 3.1 20

B12 200-900

arigz profile image
arigz in reply to Yennn

you might want to ask your surgery about the range for T3 because a result without a range is absolutely worthless.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to arigz

I phoned just there and my Docs said not to worry it normal. And wouldn’t give me it as she think I’m causing my self anxiety over it. All I have is my symptoms but nothing showing up in my blood work🙈

It’s the NHS would it just be the same range in Scotland throughout out? If so il try call another practise to ask...


arigz profile image
arigz in reply to Yennn

no i'm afraid every lab has a slightly different range.. maybe ring up the lab

in reply to Yennn

Yennn whenever a doctor says the words 'normal' and 'nothing to worry about' you need to see the figures. Many of us on here have discovered they're unable to understand blood test results, that is if they've even looked at them.

I'm pleased you've asked your GP to investigate other causes but be aware that the NHS is in denial about Lyme disease and many GPs believe it doesn't exist/know diddly squat. A negative result does not necessarily mean absence of Lyme as the tests are so inaccurate. Additionally interpretation needs to be done by someone experienced in Lyme and that won't be your GP nor the NHS.

Do you have someone who can accompany you to appointments? You will need to fight your corner to get the NHS to investigate and not be fobbed off.

I wish you well in getting some answers.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to

Hey cinnamon Gil thank u for replying to me.. it completely baffles me that Docs would say normal and that they are unable to understand blood test.. Mayb I am naive but I thought Docs were here to help us esp when so sick 😬 ahh so Lymes testing is not compleltey accurate either 🙈

What would I say to my gp regards this they already think I’m crazy for asking for my results and ranges when everything is coming back normal

I feel when I am seeing them it’s like I’m just wasting their time I get anxious and they speak over me and I leave feeling so dismissed and I don’t to get sicker but with “healthy blood work”

Then I found this site and I read so many people in same situ as me! It’s maddness! But how do u go against a doctor and then interpratation of ur blood work?

Iv moved back in wit my parent as i am wheel chair user now and mostly bed bound they both don’t speak a word of English but my mum takes me to my appointments I can make one appointment a month then I’m sick in bed for weeks becauss of it with crazy symptoms

But I will try again with Docs Defo needin some answers to what is happening to my body.

Thank u for wishing me well. I hope u are doing good too ☺️

in reply to Yennn

Yennn it seems that so many doctors do not have an enquiring mind. Of course they don't like being asked for test results, they hate it that patients have the world wide web and have educated themselves. Added to which there is a shortage of GPs.

If I were you I would request in writing via the Practice Manager a copy of all of your medical records, you're legally entitled to this and there will be a charge. Details:

I'm afraid that you do have to take control of your health, I know it sounds daunting but there's a lot of knowledge on this Forum. Your surgery clearly aren't interested in helping you and you're at risk of being fobbed off with a diagnosis of ME/CFS where you'd be left to get on with it.

Your lymphocytes are low and need to be investigated, there is clearly some sort of infection going on.

Any questions just ask!

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to

Wow actually not that u have reminded me my Docs did refer me to gartnavel intergrative care homeopathic unit for ME/CFS

GP did not give me much info and said they would be able to help me.. it’s a holistic approach but they don’t do blood test or anything like that there.

I have googled me/cfs and read that it is a diagnosis with exclusion and with normal test.. I started thinking is that what I have got? I looked in to the symptoms and i do have A lot of symptoms that I read 😬 but I read on this forum it’s a dust bin diagnosis and then I’m all confused again.

Yeh I Defo will ask for all my result, it ask for practise manager name to request them. Thank u so much for that info!

Il ask about my lymphocytes as well doc told me over the phone it means u could have a virus or a cold it’s nothijh to worry about..

weird thing is I haven’t had a cold for two years or more and not picked up a virus in years also 😬 really wish I was more educated in health before I got so sick. Lack so much energy that I can be rereading post until I can actual process it😬 eack post tho puts me in the right direction. So thank u V much !💛

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Yennn

CFS etc were 'newly named' about ten years after the blood tests were introduced. Before that we were given NDT according to our clinical symptoms.

This is a past post:-

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to shaws

Wow! Thank u for ur post! I have just read it, and googled DR Skinner..

I am suffering extreme Brain fog so I apologise in advance if i didn’t pick it up properly..

I took from it that there is actual no such illness as ME

It’s is a thyroid issue but due to bloods in “normal” range patients are left untreated..

OMG! That is terrible!! 😢

I can’t actual believe such a thing! Dr skinner treated patients Symptoms and not their lab results..

I guess finding a doctor who would be willing to that will be a task. Thank u much for ur post and letting me read that. I’m gtn referee to a homeopathic hospital from my gp for m.e (cfs)

And to get CBT

How that will help with my psychical symptoms I don’t know 🙈

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Yennn

Dr Skinner was not an Endocrinologist but a Virologist and he tried to meet with all Endocrinologists to tell them they were wrong, mainly in not diagnosing patients properly.

For being sympathetic and caring about patients he was called before the GMC on the premis that he was treating people who hadn't been diagnosed.

However when he appeared before the GMC there was 10,000 testimonials from his grateful patients whom he diagnosed as hypo when they weren't by other doctors.

I doubt any doctor would have so many testimonials that a particular doctor was healing so many patients.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to shaws

I came across this

It is a very interesting read.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Yennn


Afraid that link doesn't work. I think you have copied a link from an HU post - what is displayed is only a bit of the link.

You could follow the link and pick up the link you arrive at.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to helvella

Thank you for letting me know.

I am really not doing a good job of typing today

Made so many errors 🙈

K il try again

Hope this one works ☺️

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Yennn

That worked - well done for following my rubbish instructions! :-)

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to helvella

Your instructions were great thank u☺️ Every one on here has been amazing so helpful and patient. Are the administrators on here health advisors ? U guys know so much ☺️

So grateful to have found this forum 😁

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Yennn

No, no, no. The admins are just people who ended up involved in thyroid issues - not medically trained, just trying to do our best.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to helvella

Well, you guys do better than the “professionals” thank u guys so much to take the tome to reply to others and give great help and hope that health can be regained.

I’m sorry to hear you have experienced thyroid issues yourselves and I hope all are doing well now. 🙏🏽

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Yennn



shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Yennn

I've inserted your results/ranges.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to shaws

Thank u so much.

I’m tryin now to track down nhs lab and find out t3 range.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to shaws

Sorry I mean a typo on the t4 it’s meant to be 9-21


Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Yennn

That range for Free T4 CANNOT be correct. Wasn't it 9.0-21.0? And are you sure that it was free T3 (not total T3) that was tested as that result in any usual UK range for free T3 would mean you were very very very low in T3 and probably half dead.

Folate, ferritin and D are all too low also.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Hi there sorry yes another typo from me 🙈 feel like I’m really not gtn this right. T4 range is 9-21

Doc just gave me a report t3

Unsure If it was free T3 or Total T3 😬

I have been totally half dead. It all happened to me over a course of few weeks.

I am now a wheel chair user.. house bound and mostly bed bound it has totally destroyed my life and Iv no idea what is goin on Barr from Docs telling me my results are normal.

I sleep half of the day and no matter how much sleep I get I’m exhausted 🙈 thank u for replying to me tho

Any help or advice is so greatly appreciated

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Yennn

I am sorry you are housebound but you can get well. You will find members know more than most of the medical profession.

However, your TSH is fine but your T4 (I think it is a 'total' T4 and not Free T4) (unfortunately just to confuse us I think) is too low at 13 and you'd probably feel better if it was nearer the top of the range.

T4 is levothyroxine: Levothyroxine converts to T3 but we need sufficient dose of levo for this to happen. We cannot function if T3 is low. T3 is the only active hormone and T4 is inactive and it has to convert to T3. T3 is also called liothyronine.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Yennn

If you are housebound, I'd make an appointment with your GP and ask if he could possibly check your Free T4 and Free T3 and thyroid antibodies.

You can give him the following links and you can say you've taken advice from the NHS Choices for help/advice on dysfunctions of the thyroid gland, Healthunlocked If it is difficult for you to get to the surgery, maybe ask him for a suitable time in which you can phone him. Or, if you have a printer print off the following and enclose with a note and post it to him for those three tests above that might be better as he will have time to read and digest before he speaks to you.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to shaws

Thank u so much for the links ☺️ I will print it off and ask my gp

I actually get anxiety going to the Docs

As I have seen all 9 on them in my previous surgery that tell me my results and normal and therefore won’t do anymore test. It takes me week to be able to manage out again and I haven’t been able to work for 5 months and have no incline at the moment to get private test done😬 so I am really relying on tryin to her my new gp to do these test for me.

Really appreciate you responding to my post and giving me such helpful advice ☺️

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Okies apologise for my errors thanks for being patient with me.

Gtn some where with my Doc. So it was total t3


Range is 0.9 2.7

She said al my results are normal I’m not low on anything. Including

VIT D ferritin etc.

What can I do from here?

I feel like all I have are wild symptoms and Docs all sayin ur result are normal 🙈

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to Yennn

Total t3 isn't a very useful test, but even so it is low in range. You need a free T3 test. I suspect your free T3 is under range.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Thank u, il go back to Docs to ask for free t3

I’m worried incase they say no as they have told me so far everything is within normal range. Where members on the forum have told me other wise.

Any advice u have on how I can get my doctor to c that I am low cusp on a things?

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Yennn

If you need to correct or change anything in your post

click the down arrow and a selection will appear. Choose the one you require and click on the appropriate one.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to shaws

Thank u for☺️ Suffering from severe brain fog feeling so duh at doing everything! 😬

SlowDragon profile image

Have you had thyroid antibodies tested? Very important

Ideally TPO and TG antibodies, but usually GP will only test TPO.

Your ferritin is very low. Do you suffer from heavy periods?

Improving ferritin, you can buy over the counter iron tablets and/or eat liver once a week to push levels up. Should be about 70 minimum

Vitamin D is also much too low. Better You vitamin D mouth spray is good option as avoids possible poor gut function. You could try 2000iu or 3000iu daily. Important to retest after 2-3 months. Aim for around 100nmol. Important not to go too high £28 postal kit. Test twice yearly

When vitamin D has been too low B vitamins can also be out if balance. So you could try adding a good Vitamin B complex. See this link

See SeasideSusie detailed replies on vitamin supplements

Eg similar levels to yours on ferritin and vitamin D

Remember if you are taking vitamin B complex, or any supplements containing biotin, remember to stop these 3-5 days before any blood tests, as biotin can falsely affect test results

You say this all came on suddenly. You might look at infection connection

Glandular Fever

H Pylori


Low stomach acid is common and can allow gut infections to take hold

Other things to help heal gut lining

Bone broth



Importance of magnesium

GP's tend to be useless looking at gut issues and nutrition. You might need a functional doctor or nutritionist, but they are not cheap

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to SlowDragon

Hey slow dragon thank u for replying to me again!be lost without ur help and advice!

Wow u guys are so knowledgable! Feel really silly compared. I asked my go for a thyroid antibody test.. Her reply as she wasn’t sure what this was..

Iv let that gp and I am currently in the process of registering at a new one which will take a week before I can book an appointment.

Yeh I do suffer really heavy period cramps migraine the Lot at the time of month. Il Defo look in to supplement iron.

Is that a good one u would recommend? Same for the vit d mouth spray? I read on a forum it was recommended for vitD to take a liquid form for absorption rather than capsules would u agree? As I found 5000iu caps for vitd3 that was recommended by sea side susie.

I asked my gp to check for Epstein Barr, h pylori, Lymes candida coeliac glandular fever..

I had glandular fever mumps etc years ago before so she said it would pointless to check as the results if it came back up it would be from that time.. I asked about Candida and she did not know how to check for that.. Lymes came back did coeliac.

Thank u for any additional help u can give me always appreciated ☺️

SeasideSusie profile image


See my detailed reply concerning these results in your previous thread

The only difference is

1) You've now added B12 and 699 is good

2) Total T3 of 1.1 (0.9-2.7) is low but FT3 test is more important. SlowDragon mentioned you would benefit from private testing in your previous thread, that would include FT3 and thyroid antibodies if you chose to do the full thyroid panel.

You should discuss your below lymphocyte result with your GP. S/he has mentioned them to you so you should ask for further explanation.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to SeasideSusie

Hey sea side susie

I hope you have been well.

I hadn’t even seen your previous response yet 🙈 so sorry my head is literally up my (you know where) I’m so out of it half the time I keep missing things and doing typos. Thank u for ur reply and ur previous one too!

I will ask my gp now for anti body test for TPO TG

Free T3 await my results and then ask again.

I aske my gp about lympocates she said just to get retested again. This will be the 3rd time.

Thanks for ur patience with me, I’m real not functioning properly and tryin to take in all this great information but find my self rereadin same lines and then not processing it properly.

Il keep on trying tho

Thank yo u again! ☺️

SeasideSusie profile image
SeasideSusieRemembering in reply to Yennn


You should have had 2 notifications on the forum indicated by the bell at the top of the page which has an orange circle next to it and a number in it when you have notifications. There would have been 1 for the reply and 1 because I tagged you by name. You should also have received an email notifying you of my reply.

If your lymphocytes come back low a third time, ask your GP what further investigations she intends to carry out, she can't keep on testing and getting low results without doing something about it.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to SeasideSusie

Okies dokies I will☺️

Il go back and try my best.

I always burst out crying when tryin to talk to gp il be stronger this time and try again. Always feels like an arguements to try gettin more test out of them.

No idea why gp are like this

And when I do cry they offer me anti D🙈

Il go back and ask for free T3 anti body’s and further investigation for lympocates.

Thank u sea side susie💛

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Yennn

If you can get a supportive friend or family member to go with you as witness, GP's can be surprisingly different, less dismissive and make more effort.

If you make brief note before you go to appointment.

You can say to GP you're having real trouble remembering and so have had to write down for yourself points you want to discuss

Glandular fever is significant even if it's years ago. It's called Ebstien Barr Virus (EBV)

Essential to test TPO Thyroid antibodies

Ideally TG antibodies too

Link about antibodies

If you have Hashimoto's then even though you tested negative for coeliac you may well benefit from strictly gluten free diet

(I had coeliac blood test 23 years ago, which was negative. Last year was confirmed by endoscopy I am severely gluten intolerant. Had no gut symptoms at all. Gastroenterologist said blood test for coeliac is extremely unreliable. Gluten intolerance with Hashimoto's is very common - see my profile for more. I was in wheelchair when really ill too)

Read up about leaky gut

See if you can get TPO and TG thyroid antibodies and FT3 tested.

Private tests are available

Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.

All thyroid tests should be done as early as possible in morning and fasting and don't take Levo in the 24 hours prior to test, delay and take straight after. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply to SlowDragon

Oh wow I just checked ur bio in profile.. I am sooo sorry to read u suffered so badly for 22 years 😢 I can not imagine what you must of went through or how that must have felt.

Your determination, intelligence and taking control of your own health really made al the difference. I hope now you are fully recovered? And a whole lot better?

My mum does go with me to docs appointment as I’m in a wheel chair at the moment due to sheer exhaustion. My mum doesn’t speak any English 😬 so it’s been difficult to get Gp to listen to me, as I’m stuttering and nervous

So far they have prescribed me with antitriptyline



And referred me to gartnavel homeopathic care and CBT.

I have taken a note pad and written down all the helpful information I have gotten from this forum☺️ And will try again at my new practise and hope I get a sympathetic doctor who listened if not then I will apply for PIP and c if I can save money for private blood test.

I paid private awhile ago to c a food intolerance specialist and they said I was intolerant to gluten garlic cows milk mic cut them all out and I have less gastro symptoms. I have IBS so I always just put any digestive issues it down to that.

I av had less stomach symptoms changing to gluten free.

Sorry to hear you were u were in a wheel chair too.. it’s such a devastating feeling to be a healthy person to in a matter of a few weeks severely sick. I’m only 31 as well and my job is on the line Iv had a sickline now coming up 5months😬

I am also contesting against the GP of the me (cfs) diagnosis as I haven’t had these symptoms for 4/6 months and they haven’t ruled out other mimicking illness.

I will ask again to be checked for EBV

Do u think it would help to get H Pylori too?

Thank u again for taking your time to reply back to me.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Yennn

Here’s a link about H Pylori

If you have some of these symptoms then ask GP to test

You can self test for low stomach acid

Not what you're looking for?

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