I have three crusty skin lesions on one ear. On the cartilage or skin just above where the lobe ends. These haven’t responded to a week of amoxicillin. The first GP I saw thought they went along with a middle or inner ear infection, because when they appeared my ear lobe was swollen and so was the skin under my ear. She prescribed the amox.
They aren’t obviously responding to flucloxacillin either. The second GP I saw thought they were a skin infection - eg. Staph / MRSA.
I don’t really want to post a photo. They aren’t nice to look at and are crusty and oozing, a bit like impetigo would be. But I don’t think they are impetigo, because they hurt a lot and came along with considerable ear pain and skin swelling. Docs have considered and ruled out shingles. There was no cut on the skin before they appeared.
I was walking at altitude last week and my ear did hurt more the further up climbed, which would suggest a problem with the ear canal to me, but I am not a doctor.
Has anyone got any good signposting suggestions? I see on the Internet that neck skin problems are a thyroid symptom. I had a very similar looking rash on the right side of my neck two years ago. Also painful and itchy. Doctors didn’t know what it was then either.
I have an open referral to see an ENT, for a different neck problem, so if necessary I can bypass the GP. (I don’t want to take a third course of pointless antibiotics!), but am not sure whether ENTs treat skin complaints like this one.
thank you.