Since September, I have been experiencing hot flushes during the day and terrible night sweats (the latter being much worse than the former), despite being on Estrogel and Utrogestan prescribed by Hertoghe doctor. I have been using Estrogel from day 5-25 of cycle and Utrogestan from day 15-25 for the past six years, so since I was 42. All of a sudden, they did not seem to help at all.
I raised this with my OB/GYN who ordered tests (estradiol and testosterone). I went to the lab on day 23 of cycle (so luteal phase). My estradiol levels came back slightly elevated (565 pg/mL; ref luteal phase 21-312). FSH 2.7 UI/L (ref 1.4-5.5), LH 2.7 UI/L (0.6-14). Testosterone 0.38 ng/mL (ref 0.10-70.0).
My estradiol levels were what you'd expect to see during the ovulatory phase.
My OB/GYN said she thinks my body produces too much estrogen on its own, so I went off the Estrogel immediately. She also prescribed an OTC product (Abufene) to help with the hot flushes.
However, the hot flushes and night sweats have continued, keeping me awake at night. On a typical night nowadays, I go to bed around 9 pm, read for a while, fall asleep around 10, then wake up some time between 1 and 2 am and either cannot go back to sleep at all, or lie awake until 4 or 5 until finally going back to sleep...only to wake up exhausted. I rarely sleep through the night nowadays...and I have never had any problems falling or staying asleep, and I used to look forward to going to bed at night. Now, I dread it.
Last night, I decided I could not stand another night like that, so I applied the usual dose of Estrogel before going to bed. What happened was that I fell asleep around 10 pm as usual, woke up around 2 am, decided to get up at 5 am but then must have fallen asleep as all of a sudden the alarm went off. The only difference compared to previous nights is that, last night, I did not sweat at all.
Has anyone experienced anything like this during (peri)menopause? I was given a clean bill of health this summer. That was about a month before the problems started. My OB/GYN has not found anything abnormal either (apart from my slightly elevated estradiol levels).
I would be interested in finding out about other people's experiences, as I read that hot flushes and night sweats typically last 4-5 years, although I am not sure if this applies to women who use HRT. So I am trying to find out as much as possible about this condition, so as to be able to live with those symptoms as comfortably as possible.
To sum up: I started having symptoms (hot flushes and night sweats) of low estrogen while on HRT (bio-identical E and P), went off it after labs showed elevated estradiol levels, after which the problems continued and even got worse.
My OB/GYN thinks I'm hyperthyroid because my TSH is suppressed on NDT, although my FTs are in range. But my hot flushes start in the chest and then rise to my neck, face and scalp, sometimes making me feel like I've washed my I'd say a typical hot flush, as it does not affect my whole body, only my upper body...
It would help to know if others have experienced the same thing or something similar, and if you found something that helped.