Apologies for the Strictly reference – at least I have not completely lost my sense of humour?!
As I said in my earlier Post, I swapped to my new Morningside T3 two weeks ago and it has been an extremely rough ride:
Unfortunately I made a straight swap from my Mercury Pharma/Concordia T3 tabs, which in hindsight was probably a bad idea, i.e. I should have phased them in, but hadn’t anticipated that they could be soooo different, when they’re supposed to be exactly the same dose of T3.
I think that they must be much ‘stronger’:
On the positive side I found that my brain worked slightly better & that I had a bit more energy. I also felt much more cheerful (when I wasn’t fuming with anger!!). I had tantalising glimpses of feeling more like a ‘normal human bean’! [Also leads me to believe that the Mercury Pharma/Concordia T3 has gradually been getting weaker over the past couple of years.]
That would have been great apart from the extremely negative side-effects:
On the negative side I started to feel a bit shaky & ended up with extremely high blood pressure – up one third, & after 4 days when I woke (unusually early) in the morning my heart was pounding and my pulse was already 100bpm, up from the usual low 80s – v. scary. {I realise that our T3 is naturally at its highest in the early hours, so wonder if that’s related to it?}
To rectify, I firstly tried substituting a bit of the old Mercury Pharma/Concordia (MP/C) T3 instead of some of the Morningside (MS) T3, but in the end it was so scary that I had to go back to a low dose of completely MP/C T3.
Then I went back to my usual does of MP/C T3 = felt completely rubbish – all the symptoms of being under-medicated.
Now I’m trying a combination of about 1/3rd MS T3 and 2/3rds MP/C T3, but the result is very up & down. I expect that I might have done too much when I felt more energised and more cheerful, & that now I’m just suffering from the slump following over-exertion?
Today I still feel rubbish, but with a slightly raised heartbeat.
I did ask the Pharmacy if they could get more of the MP/C T3, as although I feel a bit low & under-medicated on them at least I don’t feel like my heart is going to explode. Rather worryingly, they said that it depended on what the central supplier has, so one could be prone to getting either one or the other without any say in the matter because they are both ‘generic T3’. [N.B. I do know all about the cost issues.]
Although Pharmacist was sympathetic and will try to get me MP/C T3 when it's available.
So I am really trying to work out if there is an optimal dose of the Morningside (MS) T3 that I could take, in case it’s the only one available. And I rather liked having some brain function and a joyful outlook back, but that needs to be without the raised blood pressure & pounding heart, & other negative symptoms……..more on that:
The Morningside T3 also made me extremely angry – not just annoyed, but furious! And I had to forgo any social contact to avoid permanently damaging my few remaining relationships! I had this sort of unjustified anger issue with T4 in the past. I’m sure that I read on here somewhere that such anger can be a sign of too much Reverse T3. And that in turn too much Reverse T3 can be caused by poor conversion of T4, which entirely fits with my anger issues on T4. **Could someone please confirm if I have that right? Thanks.**
I’ve also read on here that Reverse T3 can be a ‘good thing’ in that it causes a reduction in energy & thus makes one rest when one needs to heal. That’s very interesting, as another side-effect of the Morningside T3 is that I’ve felt extremely tired often from midday (or early evening) onwards – I mean fall-over tired and having to lay down & go to bed very early. I’ve also noticed in the last few days that that seems to be associated with a drop in blood pressure, to below my normally low blood pressure.
So I am wondering if these Morningside T3 tablets could perhaps contain some (unconverted) T4? Or whether it’s possible that they contain Reverse T3? **Any ideas about how I can get them tested?** I am going to fill in the (green?) form at the pharmacy for them, but don’t know how many people have to comment before something happens? [I also intend to fill one out for the MP/C T3 to say that it’s become too weak.]
“”Any comments and suggestions for help would be gratefully received – Thank you. **
[Just to mention that I also take a tiny bit of NDT as well as T3 – but no T4 as it makes me very angry!]