Hi, I’m trying to figure out if what I think is an autoimmune rash was triggered by the brand of T3 I last took. After years on T4 I found that the brand which most suited me was Mercury Pharma. When I started adding T3 in I was so grateful to have it prescribed I took what my local pharmacy could obtain. First was Roma - I seemed ok on that. Then Mercury Pharma - better on that. My last was Morningside and for the 6 months I took it my skin on my arms, chest and upper back broke out in a mixture of sore red patches which broke open and red itchy spots which when scratched bled quite a bit then scabbed over. I’ve just received my latest T3 from Quincy (thanks to Thyroid UK) and unlike my local pharmacy they could obtain Mercury Pharma for me. I’ve switched onto this brand for the last few days and my rash is looking like it’s clearing up. I’d like to figure this out as, typically Mercury Pharma seem to be the most expensive but it’s worth the extra if my rash clears up and I’ll ask my endo to name it on my prescription.
Thank you for reading and if anyone else has had a similar experience it’ll help confirm my suspicion so I’ll stick to Mercury Pharma in the future.