So Iv bin back in hospital with my heart again! Tests from last weeks antibodies have come back positive and still low tsh good t3 and borderline t4 wat does this all mean lol can this really cause this crazy heart rate?
Hi all me again: So Iv bin back in hospital with... - Thyroid UK
Hi all me again

Could you give the actual numbers, and ranges, please. Just saying 'low', 'good' and 'borderline' doesn't tell us much.
Haha sorry greygoose lol, I didn't get them as I was in hospital but will ask for a print out from my doctors
Have you had your Iron levels checked as suggested by humanbean in a recent post of yours ? Ferritin - Folate - B12 - VitD also need testing.
Which anti-bodies were positive ? - for Graves or Hashimotos ?
Yeah they've all bin checked and was all normal, I honestly don't no haha I need to start asking more lol it's just a waiting game to see a specialist! My feet are like ice blocks and my face and chest are like a radiator and any slight movement my heart goes crazy but all they keep saying is it's a thyroid problem and to wait for a referral, I don't no anyone who's had any thyroid problems so it really hard to find out about symptoms ect, I feel so alone it's scary feeling like this 😭😭 sorry abit of a rant there lol xx
Until you know the results with the actual ranges it is impossible for people here on the forum to help you
There are over 65,000 people here with thyroid issues - so you can find out anything you need to know regarding symptoms.
The above website is the main website for this Forum - click onto it and you can read EVERYTHING you need to know about the thyroid .... including the LONG list of Signs and Symptoms.
I asked before - so I will ask again - which anti-bodies were over ? - is it Graves or Hashimotos .... ????
For graves, I haven't got the tests results for that only the tsh levels and t4 levels! I'm so scared about my heart rate any slight movement it goes crazy I'm really suffering I'm sitting here crying now I can't cope I'm only 29 I have to beautiful babies that I can barely care for because I can't move out of bed I have to crawl to the toilet 😭😭 will it get better once I'm medicated? Xx
I live in Crete so I am two hours ahead and didn't see your reply last night. Hope you are feeling better this morning. Think you should see your Doc - are you under an Endocrinologist ? If so can you ring on Monday. Sounds as if you need something to keep the heart rate calm.