Batch of T3 MercuryPharma liothyronine - Thyroid UK

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Batch of T3 MercuryPharma liothyronine

vooxxy profile image
28 Replies

So I wrote a post the other day with symptoms that I'am experiencing I was wondering is anyone else having issues with this batch of T3 84118? My T3 is high at 11.3 and the side effects are awful to say the least.

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vooxxy profile image
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28 Replies
Clutter profile image


How long did you leave between taking T3 and having your blood draw?

vooxxy profile image
vooxxy in reply to Clutter

Hard to judge as I was rushed to the hospital cause of it and they took the bloods would say around 4 - 5 hours. This was in July and I'am still getting symptoms and same batch but my dose was reduced to 20mg one day and 40mg the next. I have never experienced this with T3 in the past so its odd. It was ever since my DR switched me to t4 to see how i would do and this was in 2015/16 and my body didn't react well and my levels went through the roof so they switched me back to t3 only. I dont have a thyroid btw.

The GP and the Oncologist say im over medicated after me sitting here for 2months at these levels! As I was only recently told to reduced the dose. Was just curious if it was a batch thing or not.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to vooxxy


T3 can peak in the blood for up to 6 hours but even if you think it was 4-5 hours I don't think it would be peaking at 11.3 and it's likely you were overmedicated. Were you taking a higher dose then? I think it is more likely to be overmedication than a dodgy batch. There've not been reports on the forum about duff batches of Mercury Pharma for quite a long time.

20/40mcg dosing alternate days is not a good way to take T3 as it will create peaks and troughs. Buy a pillcutter and cut a 20mcg tablet so you are taking 30mcg daily which should be more stable.

I can't believe you will be overmedicated on 30mcg daily. I was prescribed 3 x 20mcg daily after thyroidectomy but don't have blood tests to see whether that was an optimal dose or not.

vooxxy profile image
vooxxy in reply to Clutter

Yes I was on 40mg daily, I have been doing 20mg 40mg since 22/08/2017. Yes someone else did say this about the 20/40 thing creating peaks etc if that is the case why would my Oncologist agree to do that with my GP. Before i get the pill cutter thing i will contact my gp just to make sure cause this is a nightmare for me this high t3...I have also lost weight I think and I cant afford to do this as im a thin guy anyways due to the cancer...

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to vooxxy


I've no idea why anyone would suggest alternate day dosing of T3. It's most unusual.

You can afford to skip T3 altogether for 2-3 days to use up some of the high FT3 before taking 30mcg daily. You will feel better when FT3 drops back into range.

vooxxy profile image
vooxxy in reply to Clutter

The GP did say it would take up to at least 2 week for levels to come down I do know from past exp that it does take a while for levels to move. It is just suffering with these symptoms till it gets there it is really horrible :/. And was curious just to see if anyone else was going though anything with this batch number, but as you say it probably is just down to over medication.

Thanks for replying back to me anyways Clutter. I will take into account from what you have said next time i speak with my GP. Someone also suggested i do get my vit b12 etc checked just to cover everything which I also plan to do. Because the medication that I'am on just now is vit d3 800iu one, calcium Sandocal 1000mg and the t3.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to vooxxy


If you skip T3 for a few days it will speed up the excess washing out and your symptoms should improve.

If you post your vitD results I can tell you whether 800iu is sufficient.

Did you lose your parathyroid glands during thyroidectomy?

Make sure you take vitD and calcium 4 hours away from T3.

vooxxy profile image
vooxxy in reply to Clutter

Yes everything was removed due to the cancer this was years ago I was just 8 years old when this all happened. Yes also I'am planning on monday to get all my result numbers and I will post them all I know is that according to my gp my vit d levels were "fine" and the calcium was a bit low.

Yes I have been doing this for about a year now spacing it all out as I was never informed about this so for all those years that i was taking medication i was doing it all at once as in taking 500 calcium + t3 + vit d3 in the morning.

vooxxy profile image
vooxxy in reply to Clutter

Hi again Clutter,

So I went up to get my results from that blood test that was took it shows

Free T4 level <3.0

Serum TSH level <0.05

Free T3 level 14.9 pmol/L

This was on 16/06/2017

I also have a dr phone call appointment today so going to ask to get the other things tested:

Vit B12, Folate, ferritin etc anything else i should ask?

Calcium is also on this test ok so:

Serum Calcium

Serum albumin 53 g/L normal range 35-50

Corrected serum calcium level 2.35 mmol/L Normal range 2.20 - 2.60

Thyroid hormone tests

Comments: = This may indicate over-replacement unless there is a history of thyroid cancer when a suppressive dose of thyroxine is required.

Free T4 level <3.0 (no normal range indicated)

Serum TSH level <0.05 (no normal range indicated)

Free T3 level 14.9 pmol/L Normal range 3.1 - 6.8

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to vooxxy


FT3 14.9 is very overmedicated. FT3 should be <6.8. As I advised yesterday, skipping T3 for a few days will speed up washing out of the excess.

TSH 0.05 is suppressed because FT3 is so high and it is probably desirable for it to remain <0.1 as you had cancer. FT4 is low because you are taking T3 only.

Calcium is fine.

Google "ablumin high" for an explanation. It is mildly overrange but probably not significant.

vooxxy profile image
vooxxy in reply to Clutter

Thanks for the reply Clutter

It was such a struggle to even get to the Dr office but I got there.

So I have a dr phone call today I plan to mention the Vit D3 to get the numbers on that and that I want Vit b12, folate and ferritin checked.

Anything else you suggest I should ask him?

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to vooxxy


No, the priority should be to get your FT3 in range and your dosing correct ie 30mcg daily not 20/40mcg alternate days.

vooxxy profile image
vooxxy in reply to Clutter

What I was wondering is why didn't they just say take 20mg for a few weeks to bring that high level down and then gradually go to 30mg as you say. It is odd why they did say 20 40 when iam this high on t3, like come on 14.9!

vooxxy profile image
vooxxy in reply to Clutter

So just got off the phone with gp said to stick to 20 40 for now to see how it goes they dont want me to go underactive levels if just on 20 ... i explained to him more my symptoms told "try not to overthink" yeah ok great advise what i just sit here and suffer...but iam going to get my b12, ferrtin and folate checked and d3. If it wasnt for this website i would never know about getting these checked the damn gp should be doing this not me telling him to ...

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to vooxxy


Your symptoms are because you are overmedicated. I've suggested how you might deal with it.

vooxxy profile image
vooxxy in reply to Clutter

Hey Clutter, Update got blood results back for B12 etc. Dr says I'am low on folate so suggested I eat more things with this in it but also put me on supplement until it gets back up here is the results:

Vit D 141 nmol/L Normal Range 25-170

Serum ferritin 176.9 ng/mL Normal Range 28.0 - 285.0

Serum vitamin B12 330.7 pg/mL Normal Range 197.0-771.0

Serum folate 2.78 ng/mL Normal Range 3.90 - 26.80

Haematology: Note low Serum Folate - there is haemolysis in the sample, therefore the reported results maybe falsely elevated

Whatever that means ^. I havent got the supplement yet so dont know the brand or anything getting it tomorrow.

So this + the high t3.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to vooxxy


You will be prescribed 5mg folic acid to correct folate deficiency.

B12 330 is unlikely to be deficient but if you have symptoms of deficiency in go to for advice as they are the experts on B12 and folate.

VitD and ferritin are very good.

Btw, I've been taking batch 84118 for a couple of weeks and am not having any issues.

Bettan profile image
Bettan in reply to vooxxy

Vooxxy, I am on the same batch number as you but I have not had a blood test yet. Though back in may my GP decided that I should try to take 20/40 (t3 earlier batch) alternative days instead of 40 a day for eight weeks. (reason given that he thought my TSH was a bit low!!) After tree weeks I felt really unwell, weak, tired, couldn't think.....

vooxxy profile image
vooxxy in reply to Bettan

Bettan, so what do you take now? Do you have a thyroid? As I said my t3 is high so thats why I was put on this dose until it drops.

Bettan profile image
Bettan in reply to vooxxy

vooxxy, I have now gone back to 20 2x day (but I may try 30 + 20 (=50 a day). Originally when I took 20 + 20 a day my blood test was: (t4 <2) TSH 0.33; t3 4.3

After my GP changed my dosage for eight weeks 20 one day 40 next day

alternately. My blood test was after that:

(t4 <2) TSH 1.9; t3 3.4 and I was told to continue alternative day 20/40 but I went back to 20 2x day. I don't think I have much of a thyroid left after 17 years on t3. I don' t think alternative day is a good idea with t3. Good luck!

OzoneGirl profile image
OzoneGirl in reply to vooxxy

I am very surprised that you are prescribed only a single dose of T3 as T3 has a very short 1/2 life.

I have a pill cutter & take three doses split throughout the day:

09:00 15mcg

13:00 15mcg

17:00 10mcg

I find that if I only take 2 doses: i.e. more earlier: e.g. 20mcg (a whole tab') at 09:00 & 13:00 I feel no different in the morning. i.e. no better (& not hyper'), but I find that I'm running out mid-afternoon.

This has been worked out over several years of adjustments and fine tuning.

I also take a little NDT alongside the 1st two T3 doses, which means that I have a little T4 left to support me throughout the day.

SlowDragon profile image

You can use a craft knife or scalpel to cut T3

Hyburn profile image
Hyburn in reply to SlowDragon

I got a pill cutter from the vet's office.

EbonyEvans profile image

There was at least one post regarding that batch about three weeks ago.

vooxxy profile image
vooxxy in reply to EbonyEvans

you have a link?

TSH110 profile image

I found this post from 4 months back not sure if relevant though

Hi, I have that batch no. Expires 4/10/2017. My symptoms are no different from usual. No better, no worse.

Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good right now. Hope you get back on track soon. GG

Joesmum profile image

Hi Vooxxy,

I have the same batch number which expires 4.10.17.

Mine seem ok in that I haven't noticed any untoward symptoms.

I'm thinking of you and hoping that this hellish phase passes soon for you. Xx

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