Advice Please doctor going to reduce Levo, doct... - Thyroid UK

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Advice Please doctor going to reduce Levo, doctor is ring tomorrow.

Clarelouiseca profile image
5 Replies

I need advice before a phone call tomorrow from the doctor as they are going to advice reducing my levo (I’ve just got the results from my yearly blood test). As a bit of back ground I’ve been under active for 8 years, everything ok apart from always feeling tired (but just got on with it for 6 years) then gradually started getting more and more symptoms and eventually going back to docs as I couldn’t bear it any longer, basically I had no life. The docs did tests and I managed to persuade him to up levo, now on 125 (up from 100). I’ve read a lot since, trying to educate myself, but there’s so much and can’t take all of it in. I’ve been monitoring my blood pressure, pulse and temp twice a day. Results are all optimal. I Plan if needed to send them to the doc. My goal is to adj levo and add some T3, I can’t get it from my doc’s, so if I could also get pm’s to tell me where to go I would be grateful.

Test 1.1.17on 100 levo having really bad symptoms

TSH 3.98 (0.27-4.20)

Folate 3.2 (2.50-19.50)

Ferritin 265 (30 -470)

Serum sodium 144 (133-146)

Serum potassium 3.7 (3.50-5.30)

Serum creatinine 74 (45-84)

Test 15.5.17on 125 feeling much better than in Jan, but still really, really tired

ANA Hep2

free T33.8 (3.10-6.80)

free T414.2 (12-22)

TSH 0.34 (0.27-4.20)

C reactive protein 2 (<6)

creatine kinase59 (25-200)

Test 9.8.17on 125, still very tired.

free T420 (12-22)

TSH 0.15 (0.27-4.2) - Phone tel apt with Dr dose a bit too high

Can I tell the doctor I’m ok and don’t want it reduced, what can my argument be

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Clarelouiseca profile image
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5 Replies
Clutter profile image


TSH is mildly below range but FT4 is within range so you are not over medicated.

Read Treatment Options in Email if you would like a copy of the Pulse article to show your GP.

Ask your GP to check vitamin D, B12 and folate which are commonly low/deficient in hypothyroid patients and can mimic hypothyroid symptoms.

greygoose profile image

Your argument is that your FT4 is still in range, so you are not over-medicated.

Yes, the TSH is under-range, but that is totally irrelevant. He shouldn't be dosing by the TSH. If it's low, it's low for a reason : i.e. you don't need it anymore!

Kipsy profile image

Hidden - I've never thought of that but the idea of avoiding levo for 48 hrs before a blood test is really interesting. Can I just check I've understood you correctly please? My GP only tests my TSH- would the TSH be higher if I'd not had my levo for 48 hrs or is it just the T4 result that is altered by avoiding taking levo for so long before the blood test?

Thank you in advance for clarifying- much appreciated.

Clarelouiseca profile image

On the Aug blood test it was an 8.20, I didn't eat from 7pm the day before.but I dam well forgot to not take my med the day before which I take first thing in the morning but actually that would be 24 hrs. Prior to that in may I remembered not to take it the day before. So my own fault. @kipsy my understanding is that Tsh would be higher if not taken meds not sure of the effect it has on ft4. Thanks for the replies I will update once I've spoken to the dr

Clarelouiseca profile image

Spoken to dr, she did want to make a reduction, before she got to what reduction, I explained how bad I was before and that I'm taking my vitals twice a day, she wanted to know only about my heart rate, which she was happy with. She adviced leaving off the 25 twice a week, so only a small reduction and let them know if I get any further symptoms. Then to book another test in November. She actually said, they only allow people who have had Thyroid Cancer to go under range. Obviously not that well informed, but I don't want to upset my dr and cause resistance so I will go with that. I really really wanted some pm's re T3 and where I could get some to try, I've read all the info about it, the guidelines, would like some energy back to get on with things. Thanks for the responses. x

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