I have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue. However, my blood results do not overtly suggest I need treatment for hypothyroidism.
Could any supply opinions on what the probability is that my blood test results explain the symptoms I am having?
Thank you very much ahead.
DHEA-sulfát 6.32 | |*| | 5.10-9.00 umol/l
Glukóza 5.3 | |*| | 3.9-5.6 mmol/l
CRP 0.2 | |*| | 0.0-5.0 mg/l
TSH 2.960 | |*| | 0.270-4.200 mIU/l
Free T4 14.6 | |*| | 12.0-22.0 pmol/l
Free T3 4.65 | |*| | 3.10-6.80 pmol/l
Kortizol-S odběr ráno 805 | | | +| 263-724 nmol/l
Testosteron 24.18 | |*| | 10.00-34.00 nmol/l
FAI (Testosteron/SHBG) 84.84 | |*| | 30.00-150.00 %
Estradiol 0.134 | |*| | 0.095-0.223 nmol/l
17-hydroxyprogesteron 1.96 | |*| | 1.90-6.52 nmol/l
DHEA nekonjugovaný 27.39 | | |+ | 5.60-23.00 nmol/l
Androstendion 21.62 | | | + | 1.75-8.60 nmol/l
Progesteron 0.518 | | |+ | 0.000-0.474 nmol/l
SHBG 28.5 | |*| | 9.4-61.3 nmol/l
Dihydrotestosteron 3.39 | |*| | 0.90-3.60 nmol/l
Pregnenolon 1.5 | |*| | 0.0-3.4 nmol/l
Pregnenolon Sulfát 75.6 | |*| | 0.0-270.0 nmol/l
Allopregnanolon 0.19 | |*| | 0.00-0.91 nmol/l