Sorry to be here again. My husband has never been diagnosed with a thyroid problem or Hashimoto's but has been feeling really tired for months and is suffering from brain fog. We used medichecks to test his thyroid. These results were done on 17/5/17:
TSH 13.37 (0.27-4.20)
Free thyroxine 12.24 (12.00-22.00)
His cholesterol was also raised : LDL 3.3 (0.00-3.00); non HDL 5.03 (0.00-3.89). He has been on statins for over a year. Lasttie the GP tested his cholesterol, he was told it was fine.
Antibodies were not tested for.
To me, he appeared an obvious hypothyroid case. We emailed his GP asking if they would accept private blood results so he could get prescribed levo (the brain fog is affecting his ability to function effectively at work) but were told he needed to be retested on the NHS. These results were therefore done on 26/5/17:
TSH 4.8 (0.3-4.20)
Thyroid peroxidase antibodies 235 (<60)
The GP did not test T4 or cholesterol.
His GP phoned him today to say that no action will be taken as a result of the latest blood tests except that he should have his bloods redone in 3 months. My husband was disappointed that he won't be offered levo as we fully expected him to get it.
When my husband asked how the TSH results could be so different, the GP suggested either the body was healing itself or implied there was something wrong with medichecks (saying he'd never heard of them.) My husband reiterated that he is struggling at work and mentioned he starts a new, very demanding, job in September which concerns him. My husband mentioned the antibodies result -the GP seemed unconcerned saying yes, they were a little raised.
We'd really appreciate your advice as to what to do next. I have booked my husband in to see a different GP in a couple of weeks but am unsure if we should be arguing strongly for levo and, if we should, what evidence we should cite to get the dr to listen. I'd also love advice relating g to any of these questions-
1. Has he got Hashimoto's or do we need to test for the second set of antibodies to be sure?
2. How could his TSH fall so much in 9 days? He fasted for both tests, the first was done at 6am, the NHS one at 9am. Can 3 hours affect the results that much?? Could a Hashis swing result in a lower TSH like this?
3. Is the GP's 'wait and see' approach really a valid one given there are antibodies and symptoms present?
4. Could this be nothing to do with thyroid damage? Am I pushing him too hard to get treatment? I've recently been diagnosed with Hashis and must admit I'm obsessed with lowering my antibodies and learning everything I can. Could I be doing my husband damage by assuming it's a thyroid condition?
Again, I apologise for posting yet again. I have had some wonderful advice on this forum since diagnosis and would love my husband to get the same and start to feel better.
Thank you so much in advance.