Hi all
I saw my Endo last week who told me my TSH was 0.02 and my FT3 was 4 and I can't remember what my FT4 was( waiting for my GP to give me results on a print out) but she was more concerned my ferritin has reduced to 24.
I'm on 100mcg of Levo and 12.5 of T3 and take 300mg of Ferrous Gluconate along with VitD and K2, Selenium, B12, magnesium and Zinc ( not all at the same time )
I wanted to increase my T3 med but she doesn't want me to. She has told me my ferritin should be in treble figures and to take 600mg of Ferrous Gluconate to get my levels up. I'm hoping this is why I'm so tired I do take VitC with my Iron tablets to help absorption. I can confirm that I am a veggie and therefore will not eat meat or liver.
By increasing my ferritin levels will this help me to increase my FT3 levels?