I put some posts on some time ago re my daughter and the unethical treatment she received. This is an update of how far drs will go to cover up previous medical negligence and some of the previous 'treatment' she received.
1) manipulation of the facts by drs to 'explain' their own lack of investigation. eg, erratic & raised tsh levels with correlating hypothyroid symptoms - "Do you take mcat? (a recreational drug apparently), as it would explain your symptoms".
2) non compliance of thyroxine meds to explain raised tsh levels.
3) after she described adrenaline rushes and finding raised adrenaline levels whilst in a hospital bed. "I could say Boo to you and it would be raised". Yes ,but not outside normal levels
4)abnormal response to ACTH test which resulted in being put on hydrocortisone tablets for low cortisol and resolving all her symptoms. "If your next result is normal you do not have adrenal issues and will need to come off the tablets due to their 'possible ' side effects. This is aside from the fact that drs will not pursue the cause of initial low cortisol levels and being taken off the meds will make her extremely ill.
Finding out that after thyroxine had been witheld all week in hospital then given high dose thyroxine leading to collapse with chest pain and other symptoms, (alongside raised adrenaline) she was then sectioned. After discharge where she was denied thyroxine whilst illegally incarcerated she was severely hypothyroid with myxodema. Her previous collapse had been described as a heart attack. The ecg taken after this collapse is not forthcoming. She had also been given anticlot injections daily from admittance with no explanation when queried and denial by drs that it relieved her stomach pain. Drs no doubt are in the process of taking her off the hydrocortisone so that they can say shes mentally ill when her symptoms return and most likely section her again and finish off what they tried to do the first time by affecting her memory/brain function by denying thyroxine whilst drugging her up on antipsychotic drugs that she didnt need.
She describes her own treatment as being "tortured by the NHS".
There behaviour has been reprehensible and utterly unethical .