Thyroid Uk provides members with well considered and knowledgable guidance and support. I have depended on it many times and feel very much part of the community here.
I feel our integrity and intelligence is in question when the phrase 'adrenal fatigue' continues to be used in relation to thyroid conditions.
Low thyroid levels will have an impact on cortisol levels. FACT.
This we know. ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY is a very real condition.
This is one very important reason to raise thyroxine levels slowly. As we increase thyroxine, our cortisol levels will increase too. It has to be done slowly.
I am a prime example ( secondary hypothyroid ) of someone who started off with very low cortisol levels and who now has very healthy cortisol levels. I fact the only way I can maintain my cortisol levels is by maintaining my thyroxine levels.
Please let's deal in FACTS.
Adrenal insufficiency is very real. Adrenal fatigue is not and has no place here.