Hi all,
Quick question:
I've been ill for over 9 years now without a diagnosis. Doctors are lost and can't figure out what is wrong with me. I've always believed it to be a thyroid or adrenal problem based on my symptoms but sadly my blood tests won't back that up. Recently however there's been a change in some of these tests, and I was hoping to get some thoughts from people more in the know than me on here about what these changes could possibly indicate, if anything.
Back in 2009 my B12 was 756 ng/L (range 180-900) and my Ferritin was 279.3 microg/L (range 20-300). These both seemed like good figures so I didn't worry about them. But in 2012 my B12 was tested again and it had dropped to 513 ng/L. Still nicely in the range but also a fairly substantial fall. Then about 6 months ago I had them both tested again and the B12 was 252 ng/L and the Ferritin 34.9! That's over 500 fall for the B12 and about 250 fall for the Ferritin. They're both now getting pretty close to the bottom of the range. These seem like very significant drops, even more so if what I've read about hypothyroidism causing low B12 and Ferritin is true. (Oh, and my haemoglobin is 15.4 (range 13 - 18))
I do have some symptoms that point to hypothyroidism:
Low temperature all the time (35.8 - 36.5)
Hair loss from head, under arm, pubic and legs
Low blood pressure
Digestive problems - bloating/gas/wind/constipation etc.
Increasing allergies
Fatigue and weakness
But then other symptoms that seem contrary to hypo that I have are - weight loss, no brain fog whatsoever, no pain at all, brisk reflexes, very greasy hair and a very healthy libido.
So it's all a bit of a muddle.
Also my most recent thyroid blood tests were fine (I think!):
TSH - 1.13 mU/L (0.3 - 5.5)
FT4 - 17 pmol/L (10.5 - 20)
FT3 - 4.8 pmol/L (3.5 - 6.5)
Parathyroid - 2.8 pmol/L (1.6-6.9)
Thyroid Peroxidase Abs - 2 IU/ml (0-50)
TSH Receptor Abs - less than 0.4 (0-0.4)
So I'm wondering if this drop in the B12 and Ferritin could be a sign of a developing or progressing thyroid issue? What I don't understand though is if this is a sign of thyroid problems why would it have taken 5 or so years before showing up? And why would those first years of being ill the B12 and Ferritin be perfectly fine? If anything I felt worse back then with the levels higher.
Also, should I be making an effort to get them back up? Like I said, I don't feel any worse for them falling, but obviously don't want them to get any lower.
Any thoughts on all of this highly appreciated!