Hi guys, my last labs arrived and I just wanted to share with you for updates.
Labs 11/21/2016 8:45 am my last dose was taking 24 hs before the lab. I was on 1 1/2 grain of NDT + T4 75 mg (levothyroxine)750mgTSH: 0.0 0.40-4.50 mIU/L
FT4= 1.4 0.8-1.8 ng/dL
FT3= 4.4 2.3-4.2 pg/mL
Vit D= 28 30-100 ng/mL
TESTOSTERONE= 310 250-827 ng/dL
My stubborn T4 FINALLY raised to awesome normal levels after raising from 50mg to 75mg of levothyroxine. (T4= 0.9 former lab to 1.4 actual ) I knew that's the combination of NDT + T4 was what I was needing it. And in regarding my T3 I replaced my old 12.5 mcg of T3 from my former lab to 1/2 of NDT on my actual lab.
FORMER LABS: 08/29/2016 9:12 am My last dose was taking 24 hs before the Lab. I was on 1 grain of NDT + 12.5mg T3 + T4 (levothyroxine) 50 mg:
TSH: 0.01 0.40-4.50 mIU/L
FT4= 0.9 0.8-1.8 ng/dL
FT3= 3.5 2.3-4.2 pg/mL
Cortisol (bloodwork)= 10.4 mcg/dL
8.10 am 4.6-20.6 mcg/dL
4-6 pm 1.8-13.6 mcg/dL
PROLACTINE: 5.2 2.0-18.0 ng/mL
QUESTIONS:1) Do you think I still need to drop that extra 1/2 NDT grain to get normal T3 levels? And doing that, will my T4 will drop a bit also since it also contains T4?
I was happy losing some weight and I think is because my T3 is high. I am going to do a stupid question:
2) Do you think I should keep that extra 1/2 NDT that's keeping my T3 high, lose some weight and then drop it until I drop several more pounds? Or Actually I would lose even more weight after that T3 will drop and reach a normal range?
3) Also, I started on NAC two weeks ago. Do you think is the NAC making me lose weight or is the high T3?
4) My former labs reflected a normal T3 levels (3.5), even when I was on 1 grain of NDT + 12.5mg T3 + T4 (levothyroxine) 50 mg. Yet my actual labs shows a even higher T3 (4.4) even when I replaced 12.5 mcg of T3 for 1/2 of NDT + 1 1/2 grains of NDT + 75mgs of Levothyroxine. Why is so that?
Thank you and sorry for my lame questions.