Hi all!
This is going to be a rather long and complex post about my past history both symptomatically and by blood results. I apologize for the length and depth of the post, but for the first time since my diagnosis I'm at an absolute loss as to how I should proceed.
Sept 2014 - After complaining about fatigue to my doctor and being tested for many things, I met with a doctor who said my results had come back "slightly underactive", and decided to put me on 50mcg Levo. It may be worth noting that this diagnosis came about three weeks after a pretty gruesome knee dislocation which had me off my feet since.
September blood results
TSH - My result 9.5 MU/L Normal Range 0.55 - 4.78 MU/L ***
T4 - My result 17 pmol/L Normal Range 9 - 23 pmol/L
Dec 2014 - My bloods are taken again on 50mcg and all come back alright. From what I can recall, the thyroxine appeared to me to have "taken the edge" off the symptoms somewhat, but the underlying fatigue was still there for the most part.
TSH 1.9 0.55 - 4.78
T4 18 9-23
Jan 2015 til May 2015 - I grew more and more ill as the weeks went by. Struggling to roll out of bed for lectures, unable to take notes during them due to the ADHD type symptoms I was experiencing, dry scalp, weight gain, depression etc. At some point during these months I decided to double my dosage without seeking medical guidance (foolish I know), once again exhibited what seemed to be a symptomatic 'honeymoon period', but would eventually be reduced to what I was before the dosage change. May 2016, 100mcg results:
TSH 1 0.55 - 4.78
T4 17 9 - 23
Summer 2015 - This was a very difficult time for me as I was both having terrible symptoms once again, underwent an MPFL reconstruction on my knee and as a result applied to retake my second year of University again (due to this and the thyroid effects throughout the year on my education). My results from a test in August on 100mcg are as follows (I was upped to 125 following this).
TSH 2.4 0.55-4.78
T4 17 9-23
August - Nov 2015: In keeping with the theme of this story, I experienced more of the same symptoms. While the dry scalp and the weight gain have been an issue, the fatigue is what can only be described as life-ruining at this point. Nov results:
TSH 0.39 0.55-4.78 ***
T4 20 9-23
Dec 2015 - At this point I make the decision to drop out of my second year of university for the second time. After these results I'm put on 100mcg one day, every other day. Dec results:
TSH 0.35 0.55-4.78
T4 23 9-23
Jan 2016 - Sept 2016: This part of the story I have no results for. I decide I'm getting nowhere with the NHS GP's who're only interested in two numbers on a screen. I bite the bullet and travel south to visit Dr Peatfield, who after a lengthy discussion is adamant that I've been misdiagnosed and mistreated by the doctors. From February til May I took no Levothyroxine and felt marginally better for it, the big difference being the zombie-like brain fog being completely removed from my thought. However I didn't feel as drastic a change as I'd hoped I'd feel, with the fatigue being there throughout. I also began to notice some occasional bowel issues & pain occurring (may be coincidental). I conducted one test after 12 weeks of zero levo, and while i don't have the results (conducted at a GP at home after I moved back due to leaving University), both my TSH and T4 were within range.
Sept 2016 - I'm now more tired and depressed than ever I believe. Taking yesterday as a typical day, I woke up at 9am, fell back to sleep 6 hours later at 3pm and naturally awoke this morning 12 hours later at 3am. I'm due to meet with my GP tomorrow to discuss my blood results (see below) and where we move forward from here. I'm predicting he's going to discuss depression and will like the idea of me speaking to somebody for 'emotional support'. I however believe it's a bit of a "chicken or the egg" situation, and believe that there'd be something wrong with me if I weren't depressed about this lethargy that's ruined my life. Blood results:
TSH 1.5 0.55-4.8
T4 16 9-23
I'm basically posting here now as I for the first time feel as though I'm out of options and ideas. I'm not willing to accept a diagnosis of ME or depression given my two year battle with hypothyroidism, whether or not I ever had the bloody illness! When I was diagnosed I was told both by doctors and fellow sufferers online that "this was for life", so what exactly has happened? Has anybody ever experienced or heard of a situation like this before? Does anybody have any advice for me as to how to proceed? I'm willing to look to stretch my student budget to private consultancy but I'm not sure who it is I should be seeing quite frankly.
Thank you if you took the time to read this, once again apologies for the length
Edit - Extra results as requested
Free T3 - Range = 3.5-6.5
Nov 2015 - 6.4
Dec 2015 - 6.3
Ferritin - Range = 22-322
Sept 2014 (diagnosis) - 125
May 2015 - 157
Dec 2015 - 133
Sept 2016 - 160
B12 -Range = 211-911
Dec 2015 - 460
Sept 2016 - 325
Serum total 25-OH vit D level - Range = Greater than 50
Dec 2015 - 51
Folate - Range = greater than 3.4
Dec 2015 - 23.6
Sept 2016 - 4.2