Hi everyone
Would love your thoughts on my latest blood results. At present I'm taking 4 grains of ndt which I buy myself but I still don't feel good, I have no energy, no motivation, breathless when climbing stairs, and a new one on me ...no appetite!
TSH 0.04 range O.40 - 4.90
T4 10.7 range 9.00 - 19.00
T3 4.9 range 2.60 - 5.70
B12 600 range 187 -883 (supplementing)
Folate 4.7 range 3.10 - 20.50 (started to supplement two weeks ago)
From what I can gather T3 looks fine so why do I feel rubbish?
When. Saw Dr peatfield last year he said my adrenals are struggling so I take adrenal cortex as I felt nutri adrenals didn't help so I have just purchased adrenal cortex.
I had a 24 hour saliva test done last year and my cortisol levels are low throughout the day. Could this be related to how I feel or do I need to tweak my NDT.
Thank you so much in advance
Maro xx