For anyone being told by their GP " I'm not allowed to prescribe......"
Read and print this off and slam it on their desk ( well not actually! but you know what I mean!)
"Any medicinal product not in the ‘Blacklist’ can be prescribed on the NHS. For example, whisky is not on the blacklist, so a prescription for this item would be passed for payment by NHS Prescription Services. The prescriber may however be questioned by their CCG about the appropriateness of prescribing this item at NHS expense.
likewise a doctor cannot prescribe an item that appears in Part XVIIIA of the Drug Tariff"
here is Part XV111A Liothyronnine and NDT are not there. XVIIIA Products K-L
the following link I think covers prescriptions on a named basis
"A doctor cannot prescribe an item that appears in Part XVIIIA of the Drug Tariff and will also be in breach of their 'Terms of Service'. Contractors may, however, be able to dispense a Schedule 1item if the doctor has ordered it by an "approved name" i.e. a generic item with a monograph in a recognised formulary (BP, BAN etc) so long as the "approved name" is not included in Part XVIIIA."
A Doctor has a legal duty to care for his patients and they can be held accountable in law if they do not. Nowhere can I find any legislation that takes away this sacrosanct right. in fact it is re-iterated on numerous occassions. EVEN in a CCG refussal of Individual Funding Application letter.
You cannot give a doctor the right to precribe as he sees fit for the good of his patient and hold him accountable in Law and then force restrictions on him that makes it impossible for him to do just that.
Here is an excert from a CCG refussal letter
"The complainant was given assurance that as with any drug, doctors in (county) retain their clinical freedom. Where the CCG does not consider the specialist recommendation to be a cost effective use of NHS resources then the CCG would not normally support the commissioning of the drug and the doctors would be supported in making a different prescribing choice ( there is no other choice for our sub-group) to the specialist recommendation.
(county) CCG is fully supportive of doctors addressing clinical need ...."no guidance was given to cease treatment." and they stated they 'expected' endos to convert patients over to T4
As far as I'm concerned they can expect away till the cows come home.
Their fancy 'traffic light' colouring system is all smoke and mirrors, don't take what they say as fact.